I've been unemployed for the past couple weeks. Having enough money to take care of things for a few more months is not spurring me into action as far as the job hunt is concerned. I needed a break, but when does break time end when there's no one to crack the whip? I don't know why I always feel like I need instructions, or some one to tell me
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And I thought WAIT A MINUTE isn't that similiar to a name Jon said one of his characters is? I forgot what your characters name was. And I'm not near mailbox to check the letter you sent me telling me their names... so I'm like confuzzled now. lol and I don't know if I "told you off" because it would be completely different if it was a friend, someone I know, good naturedly teasing me than a random stranger being a little bitch to me, you know???
SIGH so I hooooooopppee I didn't just tell you Fuck You, cause I would never say that to you!!!!!!!! IF That was you, I'm sorry. I took the character (Grimjar I think it was?) off my ignore list. And um, but if it is SOMEONE ELSE let me know and I'll put them back on my ignore list. ^_^;;;
Oh boy will I feel like an idiot if that was you.
Also thank you for the gold. It helped.
- Del
oh p.s. i found a guild and they are all nice people! :D
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