Aug 16, 2007 01:32
... left until I'm on the way back home. Feels weird. Glad to be heading back. Concerned about getting set up and on my feet. Need to get a car. Need to get a job. Need to get a place to stay that is not my mother's house. In that order too cause it's gonna be hard to get the job (and even harder to keep one) with out transportation. I got a whole new set of firsts coming up and it gets me stomach a little knotted. First time purchasing a vehicle on my own, and first time paying insurance on said vehicle. Dad always took care of that in the past. So I'm looking at two new payments each month I've never had to deal with. I just hope I find a good job and fast.
I'm gonna have to be parted with the kitty for a while since she can't be in the same house as my mom's partner =( but I'm hoping only to be there a week or two. I really hope I'm not grossly underestimating the time it will take to find a job and a residence. Hmmmmmmm. I hate moving especially out of state. Such a pain.