Could you explain the appeal of car talk to me? Honestly? EVERYONE I KNOW who listens to NPR LOOOOOVES Car Talk and I can't STAND IT. So what's everyone so crazy about?
I guess if you don't like cars then you're off to a bad start. But the show really isn't about cars at all, it's listening to the two brothers who are hosts have a great time with each other and with the callers. I think they are just hilarious -- they're self deprecating but brilliant, insulting to each other but obviously really like each other, can turn any situation into a self-perpetuating, non-obvious joke. They seem to really possess the je ne sais quoi of the joie de vivre. Only NPR would do a car show hosted by two MIT graduates broadcast out of Harvard Square. Also, who isn't happy to have a little free, always accurate car advice?
"Despite my desire to have an earring in 2nd grade so I could be like my sister's boyfriend and that redneck-but-popular kid who also had a rattail, I'm just fine w/ my class ring."
Also, 15 post-it-notes telling you what to do on each day following Thanksgiving??? How the hell are you a P? I never do stuff like that! Of course, every year that I'm out of college, I exhibit more and more P traits (and fewer and fewer J traits). I think we have officially flip-flopped.
Comments 7
I love how they were in "Cars"
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