Just 'cause I thought of it.

Aug 15, 2008 16:22

I'm a virgin, and I'm fine with that. I often say that I'm a virgin by choice, and that's true, but only halfway. in that I've had the opportunity to have casual sex several times before and every time denied it. Physical affection is a thing that is tied in with emotions pretty strongly for me. my parameters for when I would have sex are pretty well defined and are as follows: I would need to be in a fairly committed relationship, something that I could count on for at least a little while, this is a fairly subjective thing. Additionally I would have to trust my partner implicitly, but I suppose that would come with having a moderately committed relationship. Love, trust, loyalty and lust. Those four have never conspired to happen at the same time for any real length of time. So in that way I haven't had the choice, but I'm okay with that. Sex isn't a terribly important thing to me, I assume its fun, but it requires some pretty serious emotional attachment.

Quick note on my thoughts on others and sex; I don't really care what you do as long as its honest, safe, consensual and between two people mature enough to understand the long and short term consequences and implications.
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