The Extended Adventures of Watson and Holmes

Oct 18, 2010 15:24

 I'm sick so my dreams are being extra awesome I guess. RELEVANT ICON TIME.

At some point during my romping around in a rather spiderweb-filled lot of buildings, Ev and I decided that we wanted to LARP Sherlock Holmes. We had many great adventures and I switched from being myself/Chester playing Holmes and just being Holmes himself.

FOR SOME REASON, in this version hi surprise capslock there was a guy who was always chasing Holmes. Not Moriarty. This guy was police and was convinced he should be doing something about Holmes. He had a beard and was very disgruntled about bringing Holmes to Justice and was like. Capslock forever.

Snake: Snake and Helpercat were found in a Trampoline. This was the SECOND mystery but it's the first I can remember. There was treasure hidden under the trampoline or something? And a bunch of reptiles and one cat gathered there. The biggest reptile was a snake who was fond of using unused tampons as toys, and Holmes could talk to him. Later he found Helpercat... who was not a good little kitty but a greedy thief and a helper to a human criminal. The snake exposed Helpercat by explaining how he could taste his greed on the air. Holmes was all "Is this true?" and Helpercat WAILED in despair and said yes. He felt bad about it because Holmes had carried him around and had been helpful to him.

Just after this, Holmes finds a kitten and brings it to Snake to look after... he's confronted by an interesting event.

Smalboy: The boys in the backalleys are playing and one is.... tiny. A boy the size of a cat. Holmes puts him in the care of Snake. There is also a small tiger-girl thing with a lions mane and a bow tied in her tail. I don't know why she was there but my Holmes Self assured everyone that she was an excellent spy, being so small. the rest of my trusty posse has arrived and I must away! Angrycop is hot on my scent. I stop by a store for some postcards and read a children's book about mice with earphone-jack-tipped tails.

Professor Jexxton: During the course of the Mystery taking place between Kitty, Snake and Smallboy, I take a break to hang out "ooc" with my other players. Ev and this other guy keep switching playing Watson. When he is there I forget about her entirely. The man, later I gave him the name Professor Jexxton, was really nice. Kinda ugly, bug eyed, with a grey-blond ponytail. Bless his little dream man heart he was so helpful. Then he asked me to marry him and called me Annie.

WHOA WHOA WHOA WAIT A MINUTE. Nobody calls me by names in dreams. That's a little weird. Anyway, the proposing was weird too, so I said HERE LET ME GIVE YOU A NAME INSTEAD and then he was his own character and Ev came back to play Watson yaaaaaay.

ESCAPING: After one last visit with Snake, I am lead out into an alley (which is a little stream, too), and in the distance we can hear the angry rumblings of Angrycop like a baying hound. We walk through the stream and along some cliffs. SUDDENLY. IN THE SONORAN DESERT, splashing down creeks to find a better mode of escape. Holmes grabs a kitten on the way. Again. It's like a rule. We find a dry creekbed to follow and it's really cool. A spring had apparently flowed there? and it left a mineral deposit. and when it dried up, the mineral deposit cracked and the creekbed was paved in triangular white stone sheet things.

We get out to an area which is a) in front of my house in New Mexico and b) filled with pits of different colored... stuff. The pits we're by happen to be filled with clay mud, about the consistency of really good chocolate milk. We're just in time for angry cop to come barreling behind us. HE TRIES TO JUMP ME and I flip him into the mud, walk up to him with my fancy cane and lean on it in a fancy, condescending manner. "Never yell your battle intention to a man trained in martial arts." Angry cop gets angry and gets out of the pool of clay and grabs some nearby bricks of wet clay in bags. Holmes figured he was going to attack with them like flails, but Angrycop slipped and fell in again. Holmes retrieved the bags and dumped them in after him, and then made his escape to the next pool--

Swamp and BredBread Giants: Have fun in that BRIGHT GREEN water that is more algae than water. You're all swimming in nickelodeon ooze and it's OPAQUE and bubbly. YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING BELOW YOU. For some reason Ishi, playing the part of Oliver Twist or the Artful Dodger or something, is my guide for this episode and she keeps on going on and on about what a bad idea it is. ANGRY COP TO FOLLOW in a similar purple pool.

Time for a markedly un-Holmes motion. The ooze BUBBLES between me and this chick. And I make a horrified face, an undignified SQUAWK-SCREECH-YELP and flail out of the water, not as Holmes but as Chester. And I apologize for being out of character BUT GOD DAMN IT I FELT SOMETHING TOUCH ME.

Three teal-skinned giants with white hair rise out of the ooze and they do not look happy. WE START SWIMMING THE HELL AWAY, to a cottage on the other side of the large pool, and I keep on fretting over HOW MANY GIANTS ARE REALLY IN THIS OOZE? We get to shore and I climb the roof, as does Ishi, spouting dream-logic as she goes. "They're. Bread. Bred Bread. Both. Somebody bred them. Out of bread and cactus. In their spare time." I make it back to the alleyways of the Londonesque area, find my kitten again and pet it for comfort until I find Watson again.

Holmes has the Blues: Holmes is clearly depressed for this scene, even though he has left Angrycop behind and the ooze did not stain his fancy clothes. He explains to Watson (and the kitten) that he has some friends in Brass bands and Blues bands and they were wonderful people but had string ties to gangs, which Holmes worked against in crime. He says they can't really be changed though and they have honor... Watson, being Watson, suggests that Holmes use his apparent ties to one of the more honorable gangs and use them against the worse crimes.

Holmes makes an epiphany face and goes to visit his bandgeek friends, laughing jolly old men. Then they kick a couple of fighting girls out the door and I walk into the Sunny Streets of Londonesque-- and I wake up.

dream, chester, dreamblogging, dreams, awesome dream for once, adventuretime!

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