Dec 01, 2009 19:10

So I kinda epically failed on my first NaNo. BUT.I still wrote more on a story than I ever have in my life,so I'm kinda okay with it.

Mostly I'm okay with this scene it's just about all I'm really proud of:

The oiled cloth slid easily across the metal, until it ran across a part that was slightly rusted and threads caught, tugged. Its path wasn't entirely impeded, though, and it continued to work its way over each piece of the twin guns; the hammer, the handle, even the switchblades were unfolded and carefully cleaned.

"Give me yours...?" Jack asked his partner when he was done, and half expected the resulting raised eyebrow and momentary scathing silence he was greeted with.

"I c'n do it myself. Give me th' cloth."

Jack tossed the dirty rag and then the flask of oil Luke had given him for the specific purpose of gun maintenance.

"Yeah, see," Radcliffe snorted from the shadows across the shed, his eyes reflecting the dim light like a cat's, "he's not going to let a fag like you touch his gun."

Jack flipped the other Hunter the bird and sent a nasty scowl his way as well. "Fuck you Cliff, you thought it first."

"None of us know that. Could be lying. Everyone knows you're so damn quee--"

"Yeah, no. Again: fuck you Cliff."

"Both of y' better shut yer goddamn traps before I wind up makin' ya'. I don't want to hear yer damned bickering n' get a head." Jaeden glared up without moving his head from its previous position. Jack knew that look all too well, it was what he had dubbed the "sick stare-through-your-eyebrows stare". He knew better than to keep talking through that.

Apparently Radcliffe knew better too, he turned his head to look away and out the tears in the corrugated tin of the shed then let out a derisive snort and didn't say anything for a few minutes after that. When he did speak up, it was to curse the lack of returning support. "Where'd the rest of us go? That's what I really want to know."

"Yeah they should have been here half an hour ago. Wonder what the hold up is." Jack slid across the dusty floor to look out one side of the shed, and then the other. He made a hissing sound and spat a few curses. "Oh, fuck me."

"See, what did I say five minutes ago?"

"Shut th' hell up Cliff! Damn. Comin' off it for one second'd kill ya'." Jaeden slid over to Jack and peeked out where he had before his outburst. "The hell'd you see? Nothin' there now."

"I saw those guys from earlier. The ones with the blue arm bands. They just went behind that refinery building, I think they're searching for us."

"No shit?" Cliff nearly pushed Jaeden out of the way to look. "Yeah, yeah, hell, they came out and they're going to the next one."

Jack picked up Bane and Bale and returned them quickly to their sling holsters. "Should we risk moving or what?"

The Cobalt swiped the cloth across his rifle-scythe one more time, bagged the mineral oil, shouldered his bag and stood up. He only said one word in his customary over-the-shoulder manner, the only word he would really need in a situation like this. "Crescent." Then

Without so much communication as a nod the other two were out , nearly silent. Jack made a pop vault up one building, Radcliffe
picked a place he could slowly stalk closer from and Jaeden stalked a wide circle to come at them from behind...

Yeah that's probably the best part and I'm stupidly proud of it.
Because it's the one scene I wrote rozzix's Jaeden halfway decent in.

THERE IS ALWAYS JULY I GUESS. I may or may not keep writing on this anyway. Not sure.I NEEDTO GAIN BACK ANY AND ALL MOTIVATION it's lying in a little pile on the floor and needs to be glued back together.

Also I have a playlist if anyone wants it.

*drowns sorrows in caffeine*

failboat, nanowrimo 09, writing, jaeden, augh, ramjak, failtanker

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