Exhaustive measures

Apr 10, 2007 20:32

I know I've pretty much dropped off of the face of the internet, and I apologize. Things are just really ramping up towards the end of the semester, while my devotion to not getting a B remains steadfast. :x

Last weekend was spent mostly studying math and working on C problems. I sadly got nowhere near what I needed to done with C. I pretty much have the entire next assignment to complete, and I have to have it done by a week from Thursday. That wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't our largest and most thought-provoking assignment yet. Ugh. ;; I'm really going to have to max out Thursday, Friday, and over the weekend to pull it all off. Math was another big concern last weekend. I didn't feel as confident about the exam that was today as I had about the previous exams. I've preached this before, so yesterday I followed it: I isolated myself from home, from distractions, and just studied. Normally, I go home at 11:30 in the morning and go back at 5:30 at night on Mondays. Yesterday I chose not to come home during the gap. I did in fact spend six hours in the library, pouring over all of the material and practicing with nearly every odd problem in the covered chapters (Odd problems have their answers in the back of the book-I was able to be sure I was doing the problems correctly by checking them). It was exhausting to say the least, so I pretty much came home and went to bed.

This morning we started a new device in Logic. It was confusing during class, since she was going over it so quickly. That worried me a little, because I knew I was going to have to be the one to un-confuse everyone in lab. xD; So I sat down in the library after class and figured it out. I then called James to show him, so that he could more or less do it on his own while we were in lab. What I had predicted came true. :x The hardware part was made easier by the fact that the lab assistant showed us an easier way to do it. XD; Both she and my teacher know each other, and both are very intelligent ladies. In fact, I did take a short break on Monday to go see my Logic teacher. I asked her a little bit about quantum computing, which she talked about last week. She was very pleased that I was interested, even if I can't understand it. D: What I did get was the application that she gave us-bruteforcing computer encryption. Triffy, I trust that you know why I'm aware of such things.

I went into the math exam pretty nervous. He did give us a handout with about twelve of the formulas, which helped a lot. I...think I nailed it. :D I completed all of the problems-not a common occurrence; the test was long and almost no one else finished it-and checked all of them that I was able to. When he announced that we had five minutes left, I did some of the fastest mental math in my life. And they checked! So I think I did well. No one else seems to feel as though they did, even the only other student who normally does as well as me-also the only other female in the class. One of the guys told me to make some mistakes, since last time I threw the curve off pretty bad. XD;

Backtracking a little bit, yesterday in English, the people who had chosen to workshop this paper read theirs aloud. One guy wrote a paper about how evil video games were, and how they're corrupting our children. :l I took him to task for this. Hard. He said that he just chose the topic because it was an easy target; he actually plays first-person shooters. Nevertheless, we debated the issue a little bit in class. I mentioned how much I wanted to write a counter-argument, and my teacher informed me that I was in luck-video game violence happens to be one of our topics to chose from for the argument paper. ♥ Child's Play, baby.

And so. Now I'm tired. I did some hardcore thinking today, but I really should have done more. I should have done some C problems. But I slept. And it was good~

school:logic, school:math, school:c, school:english

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