The tourists outside Buckingham Palace. (Of which I was one!)
The National Art Gallery
If you haven't worked it out yet, my camera cord and charger have arrived, thus; I have London pictures! Yay. Isn't it weird to think that a month or so ago I was there??? I kinda miss being there. Crazy eh?? There was something about London that was magical. *g* I'll go back one of these days. Until then I'll just have to look at the pictures and dream (or something).
Fally and I went to see
Jarhead yesterday. I thought it was pretty damn good. It ended kinda randomly, but as a commentary it was great. It was rather poignant when Tony (Jake Gyllenhal) said "We'll never come back to the Gulf again". Look at us now.
I liked that it wasn't a movie about a war. It was about the people behind the war and their frustrations and boredom. I guess you could say it was about the humanity in the war, but from a different perspective. I mean, the Marines sat there in the desert for 170++ days...and they were in the war for four of those days. They didn't even kill anyone. Talk about the waiting game. I'd have gone insane too! (It's probably a good thing I'm not a US Marine)
Finally, I borrowed the new Satellte CD off Rach and I'm loving it. So here's some downloads:
Let Freedom RingRise in Me Possibly the least Christian-y of the songs. Just download them and if you don't like them, well, that's cool. I just take an inane sort of pride in the band because Dan is the drummer and damn he's good! So yes.
Also, if you're in the mood to be entertained, and because I like pimping bands whose members I know:
Echoman - Turn Your Cellphones Off Righty, I have a ton of things to do today. Not to mention that it's car rally time tonight! Yay.