*locked from anyone not aware of Connor's past*
Quortoh, I guess. Surviving there, and getting out. First my father - Daniel Holtz - kept me alive, and then I kept him alive. He was about the only good thing there was in that place. No fond home-sweet-home memories of Quortoth, thank you very much. If I hadn't made the slugs show me how to leave it, I think we'd both have died within a few years, no matter how good a hunter I was and how careful he was. There were just no other allies there that weren't out to kill you, and he was getting old. I couldn't have protected him all the time. And if he had died while I was still there, I wouldn't have much seen the point anymore and would have gotten careless and let one of the creatures get the better of me.
There are actually worse places than Quortoh. When Jasmine died, I was in one. But I didn't overcome that place. It got rewritten for me.
*unlocked; the answer for those who only know Connor as Connor Riley*
My little sister, when I first started dating Tracy. No offense, Mere, but you kept making jokes and hiding stuff and hanging around being obnoxious when I really wanted to impress someone, and you were always spying.
In the end, I had to bribe her, using my saved money for a playstation 2, if you can believe that. And she didn't even let me use it afterwards.
And I bet that confirms I got handed everything on a silver platter to
certain people .