The Other Side

Mar 21, 2009 15:25

Condensed into a short can of sweet, gluggy news:

  • Thought I'd missed out on tickets to The Presets -- randomly logged onto Ticketmaster at 1am the other night, to find they'd introduced a third show :O Immediately got 5 tickets for me, the sister, the boy, the smart one and the mental-as-anything one
  • On Thursday, we felt a second earth-tremor in just over a week. Strange how I'd gone my whole life without feeling one, and have now felt two so recently. Sharam and I were sitting on my bed at the time, and he freaked out while I watched all my little trinkets shaking on the shelves
  • I'm... really, really not a maths person. At all. In any way.    I can say the alphabet backwards, but I still count on my fingers
  • Speaking of which, my nails have now grown 1cm over the end of my fingers. Doesn't sound like much? Just try and imagine it for a moment.  I can't believe customs tried to pick me up for bringing (declared) nunchukas into the country, when I had WMD's like THESE on my hands...

    Srsly you guys -- You guys... srsly.
  • Danielle and I built a most awesome couch out of her supplies from Smiggle. She made the frame, and I made the cushions/pillows (while we were supposed to be doing functions, btw. But as you well know -- I hate maths)

I am so ashamed to admit that earlier, for a few terrifying moments -- I couldn't remember her face. I scrambled wildly for a memory, and came across the time when she decided to call me Scarly. Followed by a time when she can across the room at school towards me, beaming.
At which point I promptly broke down and cried harder than I had in four months and six days... seven hours, thirty-two minutes.
Sleep peacefully, Princess -- and please forgive me

i love you, pictures

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