Question to the community: Is anyone here interested in updates on Abe's upcoming shows and things? I've just been sort of assuming that there isn't much interest in that, so I haven't been posting with show details. If someone is interested in that sort of thing, though, let me know and I'll try to post a bit more about Abe's show schedule.
Second: Those who are interested in the "258" DVD, sorry for the delay! I'm trying to get some information re: whether the DVD is region-free or not, after which I'll make a final post asking for orders and then order the DVDs.
Third: Abe's next show is called "Flamingo no Yume," and I just today discovered that the official site has a blog, on which you can find a rather intriguing picture of Abe, still sporting the goatee he was wearing in the recent show "Applause."
Flamingo Blog Wednesday's second entry. :P
Anyway, I realize this community isn't the most active, but I've tapered off with the frequent posts due to getting rather busy + feeling like there isn't a ton of interest in frequent updates. If that's not true, though, and there are those of you out there who want to see more frequent updates, just let me know.
The end. :P