so much for summer *break*

May 31, 2009 21:10

ugh. so much to post and no time. i thought once the semester ended, things, life, whatnot would get easier. ha! health stuff going on and my next two weeks will be consumed by a frantic technical editing consulting job. how i find myself still agreeing to these jobs with regularity, i'll never know. not to mention, i can literally read and edit 35 pages and not really know what it *says* :-) still, we desperately need the money, now that the university reneged on my fall teaching offer. but oh my. reading these proposals is, by far, the most tedious and dull stuff ever. i remember a semester teaching comp many years ago when my students, most of whom were all biology majors, told me: "We're going to be scientists. We don't need to know how to write." um, no. i wish most of the scientists and engineers i'm working right now with understood that. or at least could get over their allergies to commas.

i have so much to catch up on. i hope i can do it in the few weeks after this project and before J. heads to Bolivia for the month of july. i am getting nervous about that fall ecofeminist lit class i'm teaching...

ETA: on the positive side of things, though, this too-stressed-and-angsty-and-busy-to-eat thing has done wonders for my post-baby weight loss. that's one thing i am not currently stressing over anymore!
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