eerily bittersweet

Dec 03, 2008 19:32

earlier this evening i was sitting on the couch with Z, when J came in from the kitchen, a puzzled look on his face. this is the conversation that ensued:

J: This is totally bizarre, but at least three times today, I've been in the kitchen and out of the corner of my eye I keep thinking I'm seeing -
M: [interrupts] Hannah!
J: [looking at me, even more puzzled] How did you know I was going to say that??
M: Because the same thing happened to me a little while ago. I was in the kitchen and out of the corner of my eye I saw something black and white on the stairs. I swear it looked like Hannah. You know, just sitting there like she always did.
J: Exactly! In that 'Hannah crouch' she had.
M: Yup. That's just how she was sitting, crouching.
J: That is so weird that you would finish my sentence like that.

J and i are very different when it comes to this type of peculiar occurrence. i'm the sort of person who would say to myself, "Well, that was inexplicable and can't be proven, therefore it 'might' have happened or exist, so I'll just go with it and believe it." J, on the other hand, is the sort of person who would say, "Well, that was inexplicable and can't be proven, therefore there's no way it could have happened or could possibly exist, so I'll just never believe it unless it can be proven definitively."

still, he does think this is all quite a strange *coincidence*. me, i'm quite sure it was hannah. either way, it was really cool. and it made me happy and sad at the same time. i wonder if it will happen again?
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