Look at this email I got ...
TO: ACLU Action Network Members
FR: Jared Feuer, Internet Organizer
DT: May 2, 2002
Oppose Federal Funding of Abstinence-Only Education!
On April 9th, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) introduced HR 4122, a bill that authorizes the continued
use of federal funds for "abstinence-only" programs. By law, any program that also teaches
about contraception use or STD prevention is not eligible for these funds.
The overwhelming weight of evidence suggests that programs that include messages about both
abstinence and contraception are most effective in delaying sexual activity among young people.
Despite this evidence, opponents of "comprehensive" programs argue that that they do nothing
but encourage promiscuity. This is inaccurate since comprehensive programs appropriately stress
abstinence as the only foolproof way to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
Because of an increased focus on abstinence-only education, comprehensive and medically accurate
sex education is becoming the exception rather than the rule. As a result, more students lack
basic information that they need to protect their health.
Take Action! Abstinence-only programs endanger the well-being of youth and must not be given
the support of federal funding. You can read more and send a FREE FAX to your Representative,
asking that they oppose HR 4122 from our action alert at:
click here to mail your opinion to your representative