Kaylynn Langarek: A Black Widow Challenge .5

Jun 30, 2008 17:17

Warnings: I say stuff, I may spell bladly, nekkid sims, and an occasional things are implied.

Who was this? I had never heard of anyone else living at the Beaker Estate.
"What are you doing here? NOBODY is supposed to be here right now!" That came from me, and a moment later the strange looking man repeated it, seeming to be mocking me.

I wasn't quite sure what to do, and sort of felt like I was talking to a child. "Y-you're not going to tell them I was here, are you?" I asked, and the man just stared at me. I started to wonder if maybe I really was talking to a child- well, a teenager? I'm not sure. But still, I was confused.

I just stood there waiting for an answer for a while, before he even moved.
"You're Kaylynn Curious." he said, and I blinked. What? How did he know my name? "You were Pascal's brother's wife! Now you're his widow!"
Had I met him before? I couldn't remember. He must know Pascal somehow, I guessed. I mean, why else would he mention his name?
I prompted him to talk more, but not much happened, so I left.

My head hurt. What was I supposed to do? What if he told the Beakers that I had been there?

I felt sick to my stomach. What the hell would I do then? What if they started investigating things? What ELSE did that man know?
But I couldn't do anything. If I did anything, things might just seem weird. So all I could do was to go on with life, hoping that everything would be fine.

Now an only mother, I had to hire a nanny to take care of the smaller children while I went to work.

I'm a little worried about Madelyne. She brought a girl home from school, and, well, she tried to make her one of her many girlfriends.

Madelyne found out that she didn't exactly LIKE rejection, and lashed out at the other girl.

As the months went by, and Jackson grew more, I started to notice how much he looked like his father and it killed me inside.

I couldn't figure out why. Was it because Vidcund and I had been married? Because he had cheated on me?

And, Jackson might have even looked more like me than he did his father! Am I just crazy? I don't know. I love my son, but it hurt to look at him.

I came home one day to find the kids all outside, something that almost never happened. Sure, they'd spend time on the porch sometimes, but never all at once!

I made my way over to Madelyne, who had been playing with Jackson, hoping to find out what had made them go outside.
"Well, you're friend, uh... I don't know his name, but he came over and he sorta freaked out the little ones so I brought them outside," Madelyne shrugged.
My friend? I didn't really have many friends in Strangetown.

It was strange when I walked into my house and saw the man with the mohawk sitting on my couch, watching my television.

I quickly switched off the T.V., and he jumped up, seeming to be surprised.

"You've got a really nice house here!" he said, leaning in close and whispering into my ear, "I'm Nervous. Nice to meet you."

"Why were you at the Beakers?" he asked, and I just couldn't quite answer him.
I mean, not like I would have told him the truth, but I couldn't come up with anything.

"Oh, nevermind. You do know that Circe was sleeping with Vidcund, right?"
I gasped, putting my hand to my mouth. I did know, of course- okay, I didn't know that they had done more than kiss, but an affair was an affair.

"N-no! Thats insane! My h-huspand would never cheat on me!" I said, refusing to believe him.
"Oh, he did! I know! I was there! Well, I was in the house! And I could hear them!"
"Please! Leave! Just leave!" I begged, not wanting for the kids to hear anything.
And he did. Like that, he walked out of the house.

A few nights later I awoke to the sound of laughter outside. Was it really so much to ask for a little nap?

I managed to prop myself up on my elbow, peering outside into the dim light.
When I saw Nervous playing catch with my son, I hurried outside and ushered Javier into bed.

"What are you doing here?" I screamed, in a whisper.
You know what I mean, right? When you're really really pissed, but you can't talk loudly so you scream but quietly?
"I thought I told you to leave?"

"Ah ha! You did, but you never told me I couldn't come back!"
I stood there shocked, before lashing out, having to force myself to keep quiet.
"B-B! But I implied that I didn't want you around my house!"

"Gosh, I was just trying to do you a favor! I mean, if somebody cheated on ME I'd like to know about it!"
I wanted to say something, anything, but he continued speaking. "Anyway, aren't you wondering why I'm here?"
I couldn't help but admit I was curious, so I gave a small nod, glaring lightly at him.

He chuckled lightly, smiling. "I killed Circe!"

I stood there, shocked. Had he really said what I thought he had said?

The idea of Circe dead was a nice one, though... No! No! I couldn't think like that!

"Are you out of your FUCKING MIND?" I snapped, and out of the corner of my eye saw Madelyne glance over at me.

"Hi, I'm Nervous Subject and I'm out of my fucking mind!" he laughed, raising a hand playfully.

"And NOW, you're going to let me live with you!" he said, smiling brightly and jerking his thumb towards his chest.
"And why would I do that?" I snapped, annoyed and nervous and wanting him to just leave.
"Your name is Kaylynn Langarek, and you lived in Desiderata Valley until you were nineteen, then you moved to Pleasantview where you spent a couple of years. You started working as a maid, and sometime after that you mysteriously got pregnant, despite never being in a public relationship. You had a daughter with BRIGHT red hair, who was probably the daughter of Daniel Pleasant, who somehow vanished when your daughter Madelyne was about... two and a half?"

I backed off slightly, him smiling at me the whole time.

"Awh, did I scare you Kay? You afraid of poor little Nervous?" he said, as I continued to try to move away from him.
I wanted to run, but what good would that do me?

"So what do you say? You going to tell your kids that I'm your new beau, or am I going to tell you exactly how much I know?" he asked, setting a hand softly to my cheek.

Despite being thoroughly freaked out, the thought ran through my head that he would fit perfectly into the family.

Despite it being a faux-romance at first, I found myself falling for Nervous quickly. Soon, we were a legitimate couple.

Of course, not long after that, I found out I was pregnant yet again.

After the most pleasant pregnancy I had ever had, we welcomed Lavender Curious into the family.

Along with her twin sister, Lilac.

By then, Madelyne had gone away to college, putting her money together with three of her best friends and getting a little apartment.

I'm happy to say that, while some of the girls didn't get along with eachother, everyone loved my Madelyne.

Madelyne is always emailing me to tell me how hard she's working, sending me her beautiful report cards in the mail.

Javier has started to really bug me. Being lazy all the time, skipping school, refusing to do his homework...

Polly-Anna isn't exactly a bucket of fun either.

I understand, though. I mean, I would be depressed too, if I never got to see either of my genetic parents.

Luckily for me though, Sonya and Jackson occupy themselves enough so that I can handle the twins, and then the angsty-children.

I wish the baby age would last longer. I mean, they're quietest when they're little.

Ah, my beautiful daughters. They remained pretty quiet, even after they got bigger.

Once the children were bigger, we really needed a bigger house.

I had asked Madelyne if she wanted to come home for the summer, but she had to refuse the offer because she and the other three girls were going away on a cruise for the summer.

She did ask me if for the summer she could send a friend out to stay with us.
"Yeah, well, hold on a second mom- Guys, could you shut up a moment? Thanks. Anyway. He just came out as gay, and his parents are total asshats and won't let him back to the house, now that they know he's gay, so he sorta needs a place to stay."
Of course I accepted!

It would be perfect for us. A college student could probably handle himself, and with the kids gone for the summer (Polly-Anna was staying with her uncles Pascal and Lazlo, and Javier, Sonya, and Jackson were out with my parents for the summer), Nervous and I had a chance to focus on Lavender and Lilac.

I cannot tell you how nice it is to only have to cook for three people.

When the friend of Madelyne's showed up (a nice young man by the name of Frances) I escorted him to the room I had prepaired for when Madelyne.

"Frances, dear, if you need anything, anything at all, just feel free to tell me or Nervous! Okay?" I smiled happily at him, feeling the need to make him feel good, because his own family hadn't been so accepting.

"T-Thank you Miss Curious."
"Please, call me Kaylynn."
How nice it was to have a boy in the house who appreciated having someone take care of him! Javier could take some lessons from Frances.

We had a nice dinner without people screaming at eachother because someone had made someone else spill something, or get food all over themselves.

After that, Frances, the sweetheart, put the dishes in the dishwasher.

I finally got a little rest, getting to read for a little while. I had owned the book since right before Sonya was born, and had never finished it.

About three hours into my nice, peaceful rest, I heard noise coming from upstairs. So of course, I had to go check it out.

I certainly wasn't expecting to see what I did.

Late that night, I felt Nervous slip his arms away from me, getting out off the bed.

I really didn't want to get up, but you could never really know what Nervous would do when he was upset.

"Nervous, honey?" I asked softly, going over to my sobbing boyfriend.

I heard him sobbing and chocking, and trying to get out words, but couldn't understand a word.

"Nervous- hone-"
"DID WE HAVE TO KILL HIM?" he wailed, tiliting his head back.

I stepped back with a sigh, watching as he wiped his tears off on his pajamas. "You already know the answer to that, Nervous."

"Kaylynn?" he asked softly, looking back towards me.
"Yes love?"
"I'm sorry."
"I know. Now lets go back to bed, alright?"



Really class, Javier. He rolled Popularity, by the way.

This? Its a picture of Sonya and Nervous watching Kaylynn giving birth to the twins.

Nice, Madelyne. Nice.

Kaylynn: What? Me? No, of course I'm not waiting for my boyfriend and this college student to get it on!

I had to lock the kids in the boys room for a while, so they'd stop getting in shots xD

Sonya: Am I the only one who is HAPPY and NOT MESSED UP in this family?
Yes, dear, I believe you are.

These two will play with a dollhouse until they pass out.

The twins are teh cute.

langarek, black widow

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