[One-shot] Sharing The Christmas Spirit

Dec 15, 2010 11:19

Wow it has been almost a month since I last posted a entry. Also it's 10 days til Christmas! Is everyone excited? I hope I get a lot of presents this year!! (>_<)

I know that I promised to have a multi-chaptered fanfic before Christmas but with my long-term writer's block and exams, I've been having a tough time trying to make up a fanfic that will blow you guys away. (^o^) Right now I'm decided to write a fanfic with Jun and another Arashi member. Which Arashi member and Jun would like to see in this love triangle? I'm done all the original character x Arashi member pairings so I'm moving onto love triangles. See, I already did one with Sho & Aiba in Shattered Hearts and not too long ago I did one with Nino & Ohno in Lovin' 2 so the last person is Jun with someone else.

Poll Fanfic PollAh, you may have noticed that my Livejournal layout has totally changed! Do you like it? I would like credit okimiyage and the scanner of the Arashi pictures that I am using. When I instantly saw the scans of Arashi, I immediately thought of that saying up above. Don't you think it suits them? Ah sometimes I surprise myself... Also the cute animated mood themes! (They move! :O)

Okay back to my one-shot. This one-shot is another one-shot I wrote about Christmas. I whipped it up yesterday when I realized that it has been a long time since I posted something up. I hope you will enjoy it!
Sharing The Christmas Spirit

Santa Claus, presents, snow and pine trees; these are all words that could describe Christmas. What kind of Christmas do you have? Do you have traditions within your family and what is it? Many people celebrate Christmas in almost different ways but everyone has at least a person to share the holiday joy with, except me.

My name is Imai Akiko and I work as a TV director. Yes, it may sound weird that a female is a director but after some convincing to the heads of the TV station, I finally got the job.

It all started 4 years ago when I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do after graduating from university. I just received my Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts. I studied acting and film-making. Many of my friends from my university are pursuing a career as an actor or a stage play performer but I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do.

One day while I was sitting at home, I watched an amazing documentary about animals in zoos. It was captivating, inspiring and touching. I immediately decided from that day that I would become a director.

I still remember my first job behind the scenes. It was when I was a helper for a TV show called Music Station. I was one of those errand girls that would fetch towels and drinks to the guests.

That’s when I first met them. They were sparkling and bright, or maybe because they were standing under a spotlight… Anyways, I was mesmerized by their looks and charm. That was 4 years ago but in my eyes, they still have that shimmer.

Currently I’m working as a TV director for one of their TV shows called Himitsu no Arashi-chan. It’s a lot of work trying to create ideas for different corners but it’s quite fun when they make something so stupid, turn into something memorable and make everyone laugh.

“Otsukare sama deshita.” I said as I bowed my head to everyone. We just finished the filming for the episode that will be aired on January 6.

“Otsukare sama deshita, Imai-san.” Arashi said as they bowed their heads to me. I smiled and bowed my head back. “Will you be coming to the Christmas party that the staff is throwing?” Sho asked me with a big grin on his face. I closed my eyes slowly and shook my head. Then I looked at them with a small smile and said. “I have to do some last minute editing for the episode that will be aired tomorrow.”

They nodded their heads and I began to pick up the big flip board off from the floor. “Are you doing anything for Christmas, Imai-san?” I smiled widely at them and said. “No, I’ll be staying at home and watching some Christmas movies that are on TV.”

Jun furrowed his eyebrows and I could tell that they were concerned about me. I walked towards the exit of the studio and Arashi followed behind me. “My parents are working overseas but they do send me an e-mail now and then.”

I tossed my head behind and waved my hands to them. “I’m perfectly happy to spend Christmas by myself. It has been a tradition for me. Anyways, this is your stop.” I said and pointed to their dressing room door. “Merry Christmas and have a good holiday.” I said with a smile. I bowed my head to them before I walked towards the Himitsu no Arashi-chan staff room.

When I reached my desk, I placed my head on my desk and sighed heavily. Spending Christmas by yourself is fine, right? I shouldn’t bug my parents who are always busy and other people have things to do. Slowly, a tear came running down my face. Why am I always alone? I’m so busy with work that I can’t even hang out my co-workers and even when I’m free, everyone is busy.

All of a sudden I heard a knock coming from the door. I quickly looked up to see Arashi wearing their causal clothes. I quickly wiped my tears away and I noticed that they were coming closer to me.

“Ah, what’s wrong?” I asked Arashi as they had big smirks on their faces. “We’ll help you.” Nino said to me. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared into their eyes. What did they mean?

“We’ll help you with the editing.” Aiba said with a big smile on his face. I was still confused. Did they mean that they were going to help me with the last minute editing for the episode tomorrow?

“You mean the last minute editing that I have to do?” I asked them. They nodded their heads and I quickly got up. “It’s okay. It’s my job to do the editing. Just go and enjoy the party that the staff is throwing. I’ll see if I have time and maybe I’ll be able to make it.”

Arashi started to look at each other doubtful looks and then I said. “Go on. It is my job you know. If you helped me with my work, that’s asking you to do too much work.” I walked around my desk and pushed them towards the door. “Enjoy the party. I’ll see you guys next year then.” Arashi slowly started to walk away from me with their heads down.

I shrugged my shoulders and patted my cheeks as I walked towards my desk. “Yosh! I have to get this done!” I grabbed my things and headed down to the editing room.

I finally finished editing the episode tomorrow. I checked my watch and it was 2:00 a.m. The party must be finished by now. Oh well, maybe I could attend next year’s…

I got up from the editing chair and went to lay down on the sofa that was in the room. All I have to do is wait until the episode is finish burning on a disc. Then I have to take that disc to the broadcasting room at 6:00 a.m.

I laid my head on the armrest and slowly took a power nap.

“This goes here right? Is this the button for the opening?” I heard someone’s voice. I groaned and then I turned around. Suddenly my neck started to hurt badly. I slowly opened my eyes to see 3 people in the room. What were they doing?

“Ah, why is it so loud in here?” I asked as I sat up and started to rub my neck. I rubbed my eyes with my free hand and noticed that everyone had stopped what they were doing. I looked up to notice that it was Jun, Sho and Aiba in the room.

I widened my eyes and quickly got up. “What? Why are you guys doing here? I shouted.

They smiled and looked at each other. “Helping you out for the episode that we shot yesterday.” I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head as I tried to get my brain working.

“What do you mean? Don’t you guys have something important to do than to help me out? You must be busy because of Kohaku.” I said and I realized that I had to hand in the disc to the broadcasting room.

“Ah, what time is it? I have to…” I said before someone cut me off. “Ohno and Nino just left to hand in the disc. You wrote that it has to be in by 6 so they ran out of here with it. So don’t worry about it.” Jun said and turned around.

“But…” I said and then Aiba approached me with a cup of coffee. “This is our Christmas present to you. You worked so hard and that you don’t have any free time. Let us do the work, while you rest.” Aiba said and smiled at me.

I slowly nodded my head and softly sat back down on the couch. “This goes here and what button should I press?” Sho muttered to himself. I chuckled and placed the cup of hot coffee down on the coffee table.

I got up and walked towards Sho who was sitting in the editing chair. I smiled and bent down. “How about I help you with the editing. Is that fine?” I asked as I looked at Jun and Aiba who were standing in front of the editing table. The three of them nodded their heads and we began to work on the editing together.

Arashi and I were eating at the TV station’s cafeteria. I decided to treat the guys because they help me finish my work early.

“There’s a question that I want to ask you guys.” I said as I looked at Arashi who were eating their lunch sets. Sho looked up at me and said. “Hm, what is it?”

I smiled and this question has been lingering in my head ever since I woke up. “Why did you guy want to finish editing the episode when it will be aired in January?” I scanned around the table and all of them stopped eating.

“Because you would have to edit this episode over your holidays, correct?” Sho said with a pleasant smile on his face. I slowly nodded my head and then I giggled. “Arigato gozaimasu.” I bowed my head and everyone started to eat again.

“Oh by the way, how was the party yesterday?” I asked Arashi. They looked at me with sad looks and frowns. “Every was having fun but everyone want you to be there. Without the main person in charge, the party didn’t feel fun.” Nino said and gulped his drink down.

I smiled and sighed. “Well there’s next year, hopefully.” I muttered and ate some more of my food.

“Imai-san, why don’t we call up the staff and throw a Christmas party again.” Aiba said and then I saw Jun slapping his arm. “Baka! How can we do that on a really short notice? Do you even know where we can find a place to eat? Probably all the restaurants are booked.”

“That and also many of the staff are going away for the holidays. It’s too much of a hassle. They already have family commitments.” I said and then I turned my head towards Aiba. He looked down and depressed. I smiled at him and he lifted his head up to look at me. “Arigato for thinking about me.” He nodded his head and then Ohno suddenly spoke.

“How about we have a small Christmas party at Imai’s house!” Ohno said and then he smiled at everyone. I furrowed my eyebrows and started to laugh at what Ohno had said. “Why are you planning a party at someone’s house when it’s not even yours.” Nino sarcastically shot back at him.

Ohno dropped his head and I was still laughing. “Well I don’t mind.” I said and then everyone stared at me.

“I’m usually by myself in my house and there’s a lot of space for 6 people to fit in it.” I said and then I ate the last bite of my lunch.

“Okay, how about whenever you miss a Christmas party, we’ll hold one at your house. Just the 6 of us.” Aiba said.

I slowly nodded my head and giggled. “That’s not a bad idea. Then we can make it our tradition for every Christmas.”

Arashi nodded their heads and we began to plan the party.

“Akiko-san, how did you become a TV director?” Sho asked me with a curious look. I could see from the corner of my eye that the rest of the members looked curious as well.

I smiled and then curled up in a ball. “I first started working in the entertainment business almost 3 years ago at Music Station. I worked as an errand girl who would grab towels and hand water to the artists.” I folded my arms and began to reminisce.

They widened their eyes and started to lean their heads towards me. “That was you? That’s why I always thought I’ve seen your face somewhere…” Nino trailed off.

I giggled and drank some of my beer. “Yeah, then I got promoted to a different show and somehow worked my way up at TBS for your show.”

Arashi leaned back in their seats. They were shocked that I was the girl that would have helped them with minor tasks. I guess my story was a huge blow to them.

“You know talking and hanging out like this is great. It’s my first time ever having people over at my house.” I muttered and placed my glass back down on the table.

Then I saw Jun pouring more beer into my glass. I picked it up and smiled cheerfully. “Merry Christmas!” I shouted as I raised my glass in the air. Arashi picked up their glasses as well and all of us shouted in unison. “Merry Christmas!”

I will never forget Arashi’s kindness towards me and I believe this tradition between the 6 of us will continue, forever.
Before I end my post, I want to wish everyone a safe and a happy Christmas. Thank you so much for supporting me! I hope to still see you guys in the new year!

genre: friendship, fanfic, arashi: ninomiya kazunari, original character, arashi: ohno satoshi, length: one-shot, rating: pg-13, group: arashi, arashi: matsumoto jun, arashi: aiba masaki

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