[Complete] A Stormy Battle- Chapter 2

Aug 17, 2010 16:32

So I've noticed that there was a LOT of mistakes in my previous chapter, gomen. I corrected it and now it should be fine. So did you like the first chapter? Risa seems to be lucky. First she meets Sakurai Sho and then... You'll find out in this chapter. The poll is up but I'm not expecting you to vote right now because only 2 chapters have been released so far. I'm anticipating who will win...

-Risa is an upcoming artist, who is afraid of what people may say about her singing. What will happen when she will encounter another Arashi member? This is a sweet and cute chapter with the pairing, Aiba Masaki and Kitano Risa.
Chapter 2- Encountering Aiba Masaki

Risa roamed around her house but she couldn’t find anything to do. So she decided to give Sho a call. After recording her new song, the producer had praised her but she was still afraid of what people would think of it. She wanted to ask Sho to listen to her song. She wanted to hear his opinion about it.

Risa dialed his number and the other end picked up. “Ah, moshi-moshi. Sakurai-san?” Risa asked. There was a sudden pause at the other end of the line. “Moshi-moshi? Sakurai-san?” Risa asked again. But this time she was surprised to hear a different voice than Sho’s.

“Ah, Sho-kun is busy right now. I can take a message.” The other person said. Risa furrowed her eyebrows and sat on her sofa in her living room. “First, who are you?” She asked. Then he chuckled and said. “My name is Aiba Masaki. Sho-kun is busy with a photo shoot right now so I’ll tell him what you wanted to say to him.” Risa bit her lip and asked. “Can I really trust you?”

Aiba widened his eyes and he dropped his mouth. He was shocked to hear those words from the other end. He was wondering why a person like Risa asked that type of question to him. She should have known that he was telling the truth. Since she knows that he using Sakurai Sho's cell phone.

“Yep! I’ll tell him.” Aiba said happily. Risa sighed and said. “Can you ask Sakurai-san to call me back then.” Aiba nodded his head slowly and looked at where the photo shoot was taking place. Sho was taking beautiful shots for the magazine. He looked natural in front of the cameramen and crew.

Aiba bit his lower lip and asked. “Okay but can I get your name first? So I can tell Sho-kun that you called.” Aiba sat down in a chair and he looked around to see Ohno, Jun and Nino looking at him. “Why did you pick up his phone..?” Ohno whispered. Aiba shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “I was just wondering who wanted to call Sho-kun that’s all.” Aiba whispered back to them. Then he saw smirks appearing on their faces. Aiba turned around and heard. “My name is Kitano Risa. I’m an acquaintance of his.”

Aiba widened his eyes. He was surprised that a girl would call Sho. Usually Sho has more male contacts than females. And the females would hardly call him. Aiba was wondering who exactly is this girl he was talking to.

“Um, I just wanted to ask Sakurai-san if he would listen to my new song. I’m worried about what other people would think of it and I want his opinion on it.” Risa started to stare at the vase that had a beautiful bouquet of flowers on top of the coffee table in front of her. She was hoping that her career would rise beautifully like the flowers.

“Ah, if you’re not confident then why do you want to release the song then?” Aiba bluntly asked the question. Risa blinked her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows. “Ano..”

“If you’re not confident then scrap your dreams of being a singer. Every singer should be confident in their singing.” Aiba smiled and crossed his legs. Aiba wanted to act cool in front of Sho’s friend.

“Ah, okay. I guess you’re right.” Risa muttered. Aiba’s words started to repeat in her head. He was right but Risa always denied it.

“Then what should I do to make people like my music then?” Risa asked. Then Aiba folded one of his arms and started to grin. “You should promote your songs on variety shows or talk shows. That way people will recognize you.”

Risa slowly nodded her head. She felt like Aiba could understand how she’s feeling, like he was in her position before. She felt happy that she found another person who could give her advise about her problems.

“Ano, do you mind if we meet up at a café or a restaurant. I want to pay you back for giving me some great advise.” Risa said as she muttered over the phone. Aiba widened his eyes and sweat started to appear on his forehead. On the inside, Aiba was panicking because he has never met this girl. He was thinking that this girl must be his fan. Also he was interested in what kind of girl Sho is friends with.

“Ah, sure. Um, I’ll be free this Sunday.” Aiba said and his face started to turn red. Risa smiled and got up from the sofa. “Great. I’ll see you at noon in front of Roppongi Hills.” Risa said and then she giggled. Aiba slowly nodded his head and replied. “Ja ne.” Risa said her good-byes and hung up her phone.

Risa was thrilled that she made another friend. Now she has 2 friends but she realized and became worried that she might have chosen the wrong meeting place. Roppongi is a crowded place during the day and also during the night. She was concerned if Aiba was going to be okay meeting her there.

On the other hand, Aiba slumped in his chair and sighed. He never knew that Risa was going to pick a popular place like that. He was hoping that Risa would notice him quickly before other people notice his face.

“Aiba-kun, why do you have my phone?” Sho came up to Aiba and asked. Aiba smiled and he made “Oh, I’ve been caught” face. Aiba handed Sho his phone and got up. “Ah, this girl, Kitano Risa-san called. She wanted your advise on her new song.” Sho widened his eyes and then he saw Aiba walking towards the photo shoot area.

Then Sho turned his head to look at Nino, Ohno and Jun. Nino and Ohno shook their heads to Sho and then he noticed Jun deeply thinking about something.

Risa turned her head to the left and then to the right. She did that for 10 minutes until she noticed a familiar face. She smiled and walked up to the person.

“Ah, Aiba-san?” Risa asked a man with a baseball cap, jeans and a t-shirt. Aiba slowly nodded his head and he widened his eyes. He was shocked that she was beautiful as the sun shined on her. It looked like she was glittering in the sun.

Risa smiled and grabbed Aiba’s arm and then she dragged him towards a street. Risa was happy that Aiba came. Risa turned around a corner and then dragged him to the entrance of a small café. “You’re going to be safe in here. Hardly anyone comes here because the coffee isn’t that great but the staff are very friendly.” Risa said as she giggled. Aiba was speechless. He couldn’t believe that a girl like Risa was so free-spirited.

Aiba laughed and then they walked inside the café. The café was clean but empty. But something caught Aiba’s nose. It was the smell of cakes.

“Wah! It smells delicious in here.” Aiba gasped as he stared at the cakes in front of him. Risa chuckled and shouted. “Mori-san!” Risa started to shout again. “Mori-san!”

Then all of a sudden, an old man in his 60s appeared in front of the shop. Aiba was frightened a bit and Risa was happy to be in the café.

“Mori-san, the regular please.” Mori-san nodded his head and quickly walked into the back room. Aiba furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Risa.

Risa giggled and then she walked towards a table. “Kitano-san, how did you find a place like this?” Aiba asked as he sat down across from Risa. Risa looked at Aiba and smiled. “My grandfather showed me this place before he passed away. He used to be friends with Mori-san. When I feel down or need something sweet, I come here and eat some delicious cakes.”

Aiba slowly nodded his head. Aiba was mesmerized by Risa’s beauty. “Ah, I really want to thank you for the other day. I was so worried about my music that I started to panic without thinking it over. Arigato.” Risa bowed her head and smiled at Aiba.

Aiba smiled back and then Mori-san brought a few plates of cakes. “Feel free to eat any cake you want. It’s on me.” Risa said with a smile and handed Aiba a strawberry cheesecake. Aiba nodded his head as he took the plate from Risa. Then Aiba bit into the cake. The cake was still warm and fluffy.

Aiba smiled as he enjoyed eating the cake. “You know, you should model cakes for your next CM.” Risa chuckled and picked up a cake. Then she bit into it but some cream was left on her nose.

Aiba giggled and grabbed a napkin. Then he wiped the cream off her face. Aiba’s face started to turn bright red and meanwhile, Risa was enjoying her tasty cake.

“Um, when you said that I should appear on variety shows, what variety shows are you talking about?” Aiba swallowed a piece of his cake and cleared his throat. “Any variety shows that you can appear on. Um, like Warrate Iitomo! Or maybe TV talk shows. But you’ll be definitely appearing on music shows like Music Station. Ah, maybe there’s a chance that you’ll appear on one of Arashi’s shows.” Aiba said happily. Risa laughed after Aiba was done talking.

“You love being on TV, don’t you?” Risa asked Aiba. Aiba was startled that Risa would say something like that. He couldn’t deny it but at the same time, he wished that he were in more dramas instead of variety shows.

“Well, yeah. I’m an idol after all.” Aiba tried to impress Risa. He wanted her to think of him as a cool and popular guy.

Risa giggled and ate more of the cakes that were in front of them. Aiba smiled as he stared at her. Aiba was starting to fall in love with her because of her personality and charm.

fanfic, arashi: ninomiya kazunari, arashi: ohno satoshi, p: matsumoto jun/original character, genre: romance, group: arashi, genre: friendship, original character, p: ninomiya kazunari/original character, rating: pg-13, p: ohno satoshi/original character, p: aiba masaki/original character, arashi: sakurai sho, p: sakurai sho/original character, arashi: matsumoto jun, arashi: aiba masaki

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