[Experimental] Series 1 - B: Turn Down the Offer

Sep 04, 2012 16:18

Watanabe-san comes back into the room and you notice that your 10 minutes are up. But you are happy to figure out what choice you chose to take.

He sits back down on the chair that he had sat down earlier but his smile has disappeared. He now was showing you his serious face.

“So what choice did you make?” He asks you.

You begin to hesitate and then finally after you had built up enough courage, you open your mouth and say:

B: Turn Down the Offer

“I’m sorry to hear that      (Your name)       . I thought that you would have likely chose to accept my offer. Is something wrong with my offer?” Watanabe-san asks with a wary look. You shake your head ‘no’ and say. “I’m happy that you even consider turning my fanfiction to be a TV drama but after thinking about it, I don’t think my story would be good enough to be a drama. I just wrote it because of my love for Ohno Satoshi and for that purpose only. Gomenasai.” You stand up from your seat and bow you head apologetically to him.

Watanabe-san looks sad and disappointed but accepts your feelings. He thought that your fanfiction would have ratings over 20% for every episode if it were a drama.

You and Watanabe-san say your good-byes to each other and as you walk towards the exit of the TV station, you catch a glimpse of Ohno Satoshi walking in the other direction.

You wanted to say ‘Hi’ and tell him that you are the fanfiction writer that wrote the fanfiction about him but he was surrounded by a group of people.

You begin to feel a bit disappointed that you couldn’t say ‘Hi’ to him but you are timid to go up to him when you turned down the offer.

You drag your feet out of the TV station and hoped that you made the right choice.

~*~A week or two later as you walked to your workplace. You stop in your tracks as you look up at a huge television screen of a morning news broadcast from the TV station you were at.

You look surprise and shock to see a broadcast to see and hear the broadcast talking about a fanfiction turning in a TV drama.

“Ohno Satoshi is the main lead of a new drama that will revolutionize the movie and drama industry. The drama is based on a fanfiction written by an unknown writer. This will be the first time ever for a TV station to tackle on a drama like this. Many fans that read the original story online are excited and cannot wait to watch it. Since this fanfiction is posted for people around the world to see, many international fans want an international release as well. The production staff has not come up with a conclusion yet but it is favorable in their favor. We look forward to the release of their new exciting drama.”

You stare at the television with awe that it could have been you instead of the writer that had been chosen. Feeling a bit regretful and angry with yourself, you continue to walk to your workplace wishing that you could turn back the clock and change your decision.

What will you do? What choice will you make?

[Your Choices (click to open)]
A: Change Your Decision - You can start back from the beginning and change your story.

B: Satisfied - Satisfied with your decision and you end your story here.

group: arashi, fanfic: experimental, fanfic, arashi: ohno satoshi, length: one-shot, rating: pg-13, genre: romance

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