[Experimental] Series 1 - A: Agree

Sep 04, 2012 15:38

Watanabe-san comes back into the room and you notice that your 10 minutes are up. But you are happy to figure out what choice you chose to take.

He sits back down on the chair that he had sat down earlier, but his smile has disappeared. He now was showing you his serious face.

“So what choice did you make?” He asks you.

You begin to hesitate and then finally after you had built up enough courage, you open your mouth and say:

A: Agree

“It’s a great offer that I’m excited to take. I’m really honored that my fanfiction will be a TV drama. Arigato gozaimasu.” You stand up from your seat and bow your head 90 degrees to him. Watanabe-san is flustered and does the same back to you.

“Great! I’ll let the station know that you have accepted our offer. I will call you in a week or two to update you.” Watanabe-san says with a smile and extends his hand out again. You take it again while still forcing a smile at him. You are happy to hear that the meeting is ending soon because you somehow feel uncomfortable around him.

You and Watanabe-san say your good-byes to each other and as you walk towards the exit of the TV station, you catch a glimpse of Ohno Satoshi walking in the other direction.

You wanted to say ‘Hi’ and tell him that you are the fanfiction writer that wrote the fanfiction about him but he was surrounded by a group of people.

You begin to feel a bit disappointed that you couldn’t say ‘Hi’ to him but that couldn’t bring you down. Since you accepted the offer, you believe that both you and him will see each other in the near future.

You walk out of the TV station with a bright smile on your face and couldn’t wait for the TV drama to be confirmed.

A week or two later, Watanabe-san calls you again to deliver the great news first before the news got out to the media. Ohno Satoshi and his agency accepted the offer and the production is going to start soon. Also Watanabe-san proposes another offer for you. He wants you to be the scriptwriter for the drama as well.

Many of the scriptwriters didn’t want to take away or complained how they wouldn’t be able to express the same emotions as well as you did if they re-wrote your work into a script. Since the scriptwriters had praised you on your work, they had asked Watanabe-san to consider you for the job.

Delighted to be able to work on the script of your very own piece of work is quite an honor. You immediately accept it without any doubts and Watanabe-san asks you to come by the TV station in a few days to speak to the cast of the drama.

You tell him you will and you quickly go back to your home to write a resignation letter to your workplace. You don’t want your job to hinder your time for the drama.

Then the day arrives for you to meet Ohno Satoshi and the other cast members, you choose the most expensive and prettiest clothes you have in your closet.

Your hands and knees start to tremble, as you were nervous to actually meet celebrities for the first time in your life. You start to focus on your two feet and made sure that you wouldn’t stumble in the building. It would be too embarrassing if you did.

You climb into an elevator filled with a few staff members and a few seconds later, you arrive on your floor.

The elevator doors open and you see Watanabe-san pacing right to left in front of the doors. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and wonder what he is doing.

He slowly turns his head to see you and he smiles at you as both of you lock eyes at each other. You bow your head as you step out of politeness and he bows his head back.

“I’m so happy to see you again. Are you excited to see the cast members?” He asks you as his tension rises. You assume that he is also happy to see the cast members.

He wraps a hand around your shoulders and starts to drag you to a hallway. As you walk, you could hear loud voices coming from a room nearby. Your heart begins to race and you start to have second thoughts about this.

However without any time to think, Watanabe-san opens the door to reveal a huge room filled with people.

Eyes and heads are staring at you and your heart races faster. You take a gulp and Watanabe-san unwraps his hand from your shoulders and walks into the room where he stops to face you. “It’s okay. Come in.”

You slowly nod your head and bit your lower lip as you take a step inside the room. The eyes and heads are still looking at you, and unconsciously you bow your head to everyone. Then you keep your head lowered as you walk to an empty seat beside Ohno Satoshi.

You feel like your heart is going to explode and you bit your lip harder until you could taste some blood. You are too nervous to look up.

Watanabe-san chuckles and says. “Minna, konnichiwa. I would like to thank everyone in the room for coming today. I was surprised to hear that all of the cast members accepted the roles without hesitating. Yoroshiku onigaishimasu.” He bows his head to everyone and slowly you look up around to see your surroundings.

Famous actors and actresses that you only saw on television are in the same room as you. You blink your eyes and you glance to see Ohno Satoshi smiling beside you. Your heart feels like it could melt.

Watanabe-san smiles as now he points to you. “I would like to introduce     (Your name)     .       (Your name)     is the writer of the fanfiction that this drama is based on.” Then he looks over at you and begins to gesture you to stand up.

You nervously get up from the chair and immediately bow your head to everyone. “Hajimemashite, my name is     (Your name)   . I’m very honored that my fanfiction is going to turn into a drama and also everyone here accepted the roles, which fits the cast members perfectly. Yoroshiku onigaishimasu.” You bow your head again and then you sit back down.

Each of the cast members introduce themselves to everyone in the room and then when it is finally Ohno Satoshi’s turn, you look at him as you were amaze that you are sitting beside the real thing.

Before you knew it, time quickly passes by and everyone has to leave because of other work. Watanabe-san asks you to stay behind as he notices you are trying to leave while he is talking to someone else. You tell him that you will go to the washroom while he is talking to the person. He then tells you that he will stay here and wait for you.

As you walk down a hallway trying to find the closest washroom, you overhear a familiar voice. It’s the actress that will be playing the original character that you created.

“I can’t believe I’m working on this super lame drama. I get to work with other famous celebrities but the storyline is terrible. The TV station is so stupid for even considering that dumb fanfiction to be good for a drama. The writer was so nervous that I just wanted to yell at her to get out if she is too nervous to work with us. The writer probably copied a familiar storyline from a book.” The actress started to badmouth you and you start to feel dishearten to hear her words.

You never imagine that actress would be so evil with her words about you. You begin to tell yourself that you can never judge a book by its cover.

You finally found the washroom but you bitterly walk inside. You feel like your world is crashing down and now you feel depress and regretful for even accepting Watanabe-san’s offer. But it is too late. You cannot change your fate.

Since you now know the truth of the actress playing the main character based on you, what will you do? What choice will you make?

[Your Choices (click to open)]
A: Let It Go - You try to forget her mean comments about you and your fanfiction and move on.

B: Complain - You complain to Watanabe-san and ask her to be replaced.

C: Sent Her a Death Threat - You secretly send her a death threat filled with lots of hate and swear words.

group: arashi, fanfic: experimental, fanfic, arashi: ohno satoshi, length: one-shot, rating: pg-13, genre: romance

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