Jul 21, 2005 19:58
call me crazy, but i was almost positive i saw R' Shvat driving down my street today. the heat must really be getting to me, i mean R' Shvat, in CHUTZ LA'ARETZ? but there he was, kippa sruga and all. ok, so it wasnt really him and he wasnt really there, but it was quite a sight!
i got offered another job today. Carla, the lady who works behind my wall for Joe, asked if i can take over her job while she's on vacation. i felt like saying 'i dont just come in here every day sitting doing nothing, looking pretty (duh! thats done natually while i work. :) ) - i already work!' i told her thanks but i already work full time for Brian. so she was kind of surprised. "oh! you work every day?" stupid question if you ask me because she sees me every one of those days. oh well. so if any of you want a job for a few weeks in august... (one week too late, huh nehama)
as usual, nothing is going on with me. though i made plans to go to new jersey when brians away in august.
i found out that my friend, who is going to israel for the year, is leaving at the end of the month! i only found this out last night and it was quite a shock because i thought she wasnt leaving until the middle of august. i get that its only a two week difference, but shes leaving in a week!!! :( and plus, i want to go with her.
shabat shalom to all. have an easy fast!