(no subject)

Jun 02, 2003 18:00

I wrote this a few months back. I polished it up and it still made me cry. This is a love story of Paul and John, thier history together. There isn't alot of sex in it as I said it a love story that I felt I had to write and the last two chapters always make me sob. I worked hard to tie in beatle and solo history. Please review and let me know how it makes you feel. I hope I get this right so it doesn't show on the board.....there are 11 chapter and I am posting them all. Read and see how much sense it makes that these two men could have been lovers.....

John stormed angrily around the house. He threw down the newspaper that he read religiously every morning to the ground.

"How could he do this!!!!!!!I can't believe he married her!!!!"
Yoko came over to him. Her face etched with jealousy, disguised in annoyance. She put her hand up to John's shoulder only to have him shrug it away.

"Why do you care if he marries that Linda Eastman anyway? I hate when you get like this. You always get this way about Paul and I never could understand it. Why John? Why must you be so emotionally attached to him?" She stood firm, waiting for an answer.

John chewed his lip. He knew she was right. He was over reacting, yet again about Paul. How could he tell her how he felt about Paul? How long he had felt this way and what had happened between them? He always told her everything, always took her almost everywhere. This was the only thing he never told her. He always made a conscious effort not to tell her. When he would venture occasionally out on his own to see Paul he would give her excuses. No he thought, she would never understand. He didn’t understand and he knew Paul didn’t either He waved her off.

"I don't know Yoko, He just has to always do it first. We should have been married first!" He lied.

"Well why aren't we? We could have and we still can." She starred at him.

She had always felt there was something he wasn't telling her. He told her everything from childhood up until now. He never could explain his obsession with Paul McCartney. When she asked he would give some vague excuse or change the subject. She saw it; she saw it all to clear. She would watch him, as he watched Paul. When Linda came to the sessions he would watch and then make sure he showed Paul up with her. Was it just simply rivalry? She didn't know, but it burned her up. She was to be always number one in his life and McCartney would never take that spot from her.

"Your right of course.....I'll call Peter Brown and find out about getting married as soon as we can........tomorrow will not be soon enough for me." He left her standing there as he went into the bedroom and slammed the door, letting her know not to follow.

"Peter, John here. Is this right ? Did Paul get married?" He questioned.

"Fraid so John, real quick like. I think Linda's Preggers." He answered.

"So that's it then. He done knocked her up." He smiled as he thought about it for a minute and then continued.
"Yoko and me want to get married. Arrange it as soon as possible and I don't care where, as long as it is fast!" He blurted out the order to Peter.

'Right, I'll see what I can do . Ring ya later." The phone went dead and John laid it back down.

"Show his arse I will. Preggers huh? I knew there had to be more to this one." He sat down on the bed and rubbed his temples. His head ached almost as much as his heart. He lay back down; his head cradled against the pillows. He thought about Paul, with Linda; it was too much for him to take. He would marry Yoko and forget about Paul and Linda. He kept repeating it over and over in his mind, like a mantra, willing it to go away. He wanted to sleep and sleep he did.

Hamburg; they were going to set it on fire. Them; The Beatles, would show the German's what music was. The five of them were so young and innocent, given to a city that had no limits, no inhibitions. For five young men they saw more there then they had all their young lives.

The room was cold, damp and smelly. They had bunk beds that had seen better days with lumpy mattresses, stained from bodies before them. The show was over and the prellies had them going, they couldn't sleep. John punched the bunk over top of him.
"Hey, you awake?"

"How can I sleep with me downstairs neighbor knocken on me kip?" Paul answered wide awake.

"These prellies have me buggered up. Let's go parading the great streets of Hamburg." John smiled half out of bed.

Paul quickly jumped off the bunk and they both grabbed their leathers on their way out.

They grabbed a bottle to share and walked the streets joking around. They sat down on a curb, watching the neon lights and the drunkards weave by them, attached to ladies of the night.

"You want ta give a toss?" Paul asked.

"Naw, had it off earlier in between sets; the blonde with the tits. I fancy sitting here, sharing a bottle with me mate ." He said, handing the bottle back to him. The past month they had been there, he had been feeling strangely. He enjoyed watching Paul fuck his birds, while he would fuck his. He didn't understand why. His feelings towards Paul had been growing, even in Liverpool. There were times he would catch himself in a vicious joke aimed at Paul when he felt slighted at Paul's interest in a bird rather then him. Now, he had Paul to himself and he found these moments to be the most precious ones next to playing on stage. He was close to Stu but lately Stu's interest had gone in a different direction and the confusion he felt between Stu and Paul were gone. It was all Paul now and nothing felt better then being close to him. He was happy, just sitting next to him, drinking, talking and occasionally wrapping his arm around him in a hug. He knew Paul thought the affection was from drinking and he knew all to well it wasn't.

The phone rang waking John from his pleasant dream. He didn't want to come back but the phone got louder and louder. Then it stopped. He started to slide back into slumber when Yoko came in and woke him.

"John?" She shook him up and he smiled at her. He did love her more then anything or almost anybody in the world.

"What luv." He said sleepily.

"It's Peter Brown, about the wedding."

John shot up urgently as the reality hit him hard and the feelings slowly snuck back in.
"Luv about before.....I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you. You do know that don't you?"

Yoko shook her head yes. "Peter........John you must answer him so we can get married as soon as possible."

John cocked his head. She did know him and it always amazed him how well she did. She was his soul mate, he thought but she wasn't the first. "Yes the wedding." He got up and went to get the phone in the other room that Yoko left hanging.
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