(no subject)

Aug 20, 2003 09:15

Every morning, on my way to work, I see this really disgustingly skinny old lady jogging on the side of the road. She must be in her late 60's at the very least, and she must weigh no more than 105. And she has this insanely dark tan.

It always makes me smirk to see her, barely taking baby steps along on the side of the road (not the sidewalk mind you, which is about 4 feet away). Before I go on, I must give credit where credit is due. It takes guts and heart to do what she's doing and get out there and go running every day.

But, I must ask, why does she see the need to run on the side of the road? I thought sidewalks were built especially for runners and pedestrians. After pondering this question for a few minutes, I come to the conclusion that maybe she is just very considerate and she doesn't want her slow, frail self to get in the way of other runners who are actually running. But then I realize, hey there are no other runners or pedestrians out at all. Not on this road anyways.

The worst part of all, not only is she running IN THE ROAD, she is running into ONCOMING TRAFFIC. Before I proceed any further, when I say she is running, understand that if I were to walk at a brisk pace I could double her time. But it's just easier to say running. So anyways, she runs into oncoming traffic. When you are in the road, isn't it a general rule to go with the flow of traffic?

All this and the lady just looks sickly. I bet she eats nothing but 2 slices of bread each day. And she thinks she is healthy because she goes "running" every morning.

Or I could be totally wrong, she could literally be sick and this is what she has to do for herself to keep going. In which case, I am a terrible, cold person for saying some of the things I have said. Then again, an old lady with as dark of a tan as she has is a rarity in and of itself. So if she were sick, chances are a tan would not be one of the things on her mind.

And then I realize, hey I put waaaaaay too much thought into this. Not that there was much else to think about on my drive to work. It's like that car commercial, I forget for which car. Saying you don't have to think about driving it, so what will you think about? Kinda reminded me of that.
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