Jan 02, 2010 21:14
-I'm not really sure that I did anything of note this month other than make home made taiyaki for the first time ever.
-the Steelers had an awesome Superbowl win. Total edge of the seat style shit.
-got accepted to grad school
-put in my quit notice at work and did an internal happy dance when I did
-went to Sakura Matsuri
-quit my job and joined the Y
-went to orientation/internship interviews for grad school
-went to San Francisco
-turned 25
-got my placement for my intership and selected my grade level (2nd)
-Diagnosed with hypothyroidism, started treatment and started feeling fabulous. I even lost some wrinkles.
-began grad school
-began to hate what a waste of time grad school seems to be
-paid for a used car in full with cash so we could have two cars, but not two payments (that felt pretty bad ass, and made my suffering at the J seem worthwhile in a tangible way)
-found out my placement was changed to 5th grade (thank God)
-finished semester 1 with a 4.0
-started my internship
-got swine flu and was sick for 8 fucking weeks. I'm a trooper, so even had Tamiflu been offered to me, I waited way too long for it to be effective. I coughed and felt like I was dying for about 3 or 4 weeks before going to the doctor.
-Found out I was allergic to guafenisen
-met my two new Japanese friends, Takami and Maya with the help of Yamamoto-sensei and Pitt's ELI.
-went to AC and Victoria's wedding. It was nice, but since I was still swine fluing it up, it wasn't the best time for me. I got a new dress cause of it though, so that's awesome.
-Created a special pot pie recipe for my vegetarian main course for Thanksgiving. It was delicious.
-Had three Thanksgiving dinners - one with Takami, one with my family, and one with Maya.
-Finished semester two of grad school - halfway there! Still have a 4.0.
-Barb and Ted had my guitar repaired.
-We went caroling
-Got some terrible stomach virus and missed my first day of my internship cause of it (I even went every day with swine flu cause I didn't have a fever - I have some serious dedication).
-Gave said stomach virus to my entire family
-Made a vegan cheesecake that tasted delicious!
-Made a Christmas tree cake!
-Made Christmas Day dinner!
-Rang in the New Year at Dave Boyce's
Overall, this year really paled in comparison to last year. I am like super bored with it. My goal for next year is to make it more exciting, which may or may not happen since half of it is gonna be spent grad schooling it up.
year in review