001 - [Video]

Dec 10, 2011 02:52

[All right, so that little...disturbance earlier has put one Kuchiki Byakuya in a grumpy mood.

Well, worse than normal, that is. His head is still throbbing, though faintly and nowhere near as badly as when the...occurrence happened, but this only makes one thing painfully (pardon the pun) clear:

They need to find out what is going on before things get worse.]

I wish to speak with those in charge of this city, if they exist at all.

[Because really? This place doesn't give off the impression of having a ruling class or anything like it.]

If not, which I believe is the more likely scenario, I require any information that has been uncovered.

[And as he closes his eyes to try and combat the fading annoyance in his head, he turns off the device.]

bleach: byakuya kuchiki

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