001 | video

Jan 20, 2012 22:47

[[ooc; Blue is Ghanima. Black is Leto.]]

[ The video feed flicks on with little ado - no curses or crashing or large blurs of motion. There’s nothing besides a young teenage girl’s face - somewhere between 14 and 16 - with blond hair bobbing in a ponytail as she walks, the screen with it - blue eyes lit up with a very abnormal glow. For all intents and purposes, she seems to be unaware she’s recording as she regards the phone in her hands. ]

Mobile communication - though still primitive, contained to nations, continents, planets. [ She pauses, a slight, reminiscent smile quirks her lips. Her tone takes on a sweet kind of nostalgic tint.] Back when our gaze was only so wide.

[ Another pause, but this one thoughtful, chewing at her lower lip and she goes over some mental process. ]

Twenty-first century, A.D. [ Her eyes dart to the side, phone tilting with it to display her companion. ] Close?

Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi. But no longer. [He chuckles. The teenager at the girl's side is of the same height and age as her. His eyes are also tinted with blue, and a strange pattern ripples across the skin on his neck, up towards his face.

He looks over at her, a faint smile on his lips.]

That date is correct for the technology. However, the dimension is not. [A thoughtful look] Or perhaps it is.

[ She gives a grin - a bit of mischief slipping into it as she speaks like she’s dutifully ]

Lord of Jason Steward of New York City but not so of Sneha Baliarsingh haled from Odissa, and ‘dune’ is but a term that inspires thirst - “Muad’Dib” just a collection of syllables. Though neither, in the centuries between them Christus Dominus’ reign stretches, has yet heard of an ‘Abax’. [ She uses present tense, as if these two instances, though with years separating, are both the present, time meaning nothing in between.

Her grin becomes sly, knowing, as a shoulder bumps into that of her companion’s, one arm wrapping around his to tug at it. ] What dimension indeed.

[ The look she gives clearly expects to be told the answer to this, as if she’s assured he knows it and is simply withholding. ]

[First he looks up at the sky and then back at her, the faint smile still there.] A powerful one.

[He has no answers for her, and doesn't seem bothered by it. So instead he turns his gaze on the camera.] Powerful enough to block any senses, no matter the world that created them.

[ She’s puzzled for a second, eyes still locked to the side of his fair, glancing over his features - the toughened wormskin there slowly covering a cheek. And after that, there’s a moment of distress, her lips pursing as eyebrows knit. Leto being out of his depth is… unsettling to her. ] …Then we’ve been taken. Backward in time, yet not space. It’s a pocket?

[ Her eyes follow the trail of his, down to the camera. Something seems to click. ] …And these others?

We've been taken. [That's all he can confirm. He moves the arm she's taken possession of and weaves his fingers around hers. Backwards, forwards, it's difficult enough sometimes for him to track his own movements even with a map, and this place simply doesn't exist within his sight. But his demeanor is a cue that, somehow, this doesn't destroy their plans.]

The others? They can tell us of their home worlds.

[ There’s the immediate question of ‘But what of the Path?’, but she withholds it. Let her get it later. Sometime when they don’t have company. She blinks her worry away and the smile comes back, though perhaps not as true as before. Her head tilts towards the camera, looking into now, very obviously aware of the audience. ]

Yes, we’ve granted you a handful of story weaving, now do any care to return the favor?

[[ooc; tl;dr summary: there are a couple very well adjusted teenagers, already walking around with clothes and everything, who seem to know a large chunk of the welcome committee information already, as well as have creepy memories of all of time ever. And they want to know about YOU. Mind-readers may want to read this! Also, you may get responses from both twins and they also may threadjack each other, so be forewarned \o/ ]]

x-men [movies]: erik lehnsherr, x-men [movies]: charles xavier, x-men [movies]: john allerdyce, moon child: sho ito, x-men [movies]: charles xavier [au], x-men [movies]: erik lehnsherr [au], jonah hex: burke

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