[Video] What the frag is this thing?

Jan 21, 2012 00:44

[Slipstream is broadcasting from one of District One's nondescript office spaces. The lighting is unflattering, and her wingtips nearly touch the drop ceiling. She holds in her talons a hoopak: something like a combination walking stick and slingshot. There's a small sales tag hanging from the stick.]

Let's say I seem to have come into possession of a most rare object. The Hoopak of Tasslehoff Burrfoot. Yes; it sounds like some podiatric ailment... [Her lip components sneer in disgust.] ...But, it appears to function as a multi-tool.

[She's no Swindle, but she does her best to make the object sound valuable, as she swings the hoopak about to show off the sling attached to the forked end.]

Approximately 1.08 meters in length, of a sturdy wood, includes pointed ferrule and attached sling. Suitable for supporting organics during exploration of mysterious urban environments, or slinging rubber-band balls about your converted office spaces. [She pauses, dental plates biting her lower lips component as she tries to think of further uses to exhort] The forked end enables use as a surveying rod to sight star positions!

Now, what would you be willing to bid for this incredibly useful and multi-functional item?

transformers animated: slipstream, transformers prime: soundwave

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