OOC: and now, an attempted canon timeline.

Jan 15, 2007 00:28

So when I tire of poking at the Internet for a while, and it's not so late as to justify sleep, I watch movies. This particular bout of movie-watching turned into an attempt to be productive for future endeavors and work out a timeline for canon. And can I just say, from what I've figured this looks like one busy week and a half?
Anyway: Comments/further prodding are welcome. I'm not entirely certain on all of this.

Extrapolating from weekdays mentioned later in the film, I think the bank job at the beginning is late Sunday night/early Monday morning. Could also be over the weekend proper, but I don't find that likely since Bishop goes in the next day and withdraws the money/talks to the bank's bigwigs. (Friday into Saturday could also work, I guess.)

Either way, I figure this leaves Monday for our friendly neighborhood 'NSA' guys to show up, and probably also for the background info on the box. Since it's eveningish when Bishop talks to the guys, that leaves Tuesday morning for talking to Liz.

So Tuesday: Dragging Liz back into the mess, Janek's lecture, and the pre-sneak surveillance.

Wednesday: The sneak itself, the party, and the codebreaking fun.

Thursday: The midden hits the windmill, Bishop goes to a concert (named day), and SURPRISE COSMO. (Side note: Mother mentions the building Gordon and Wallace were using for cover-up was "scheduled for demolition since August." I'm thinking the sooner we play through this, the more plausibly it'll line up.)

Friday: Invasion of Liz's apartment, phone call to the NSA, and tracing Cosmo's building.

...And this is where things get fuzzy. They have two days' worth of people leaving the building by the time they go over film, but I can't decide whether Friday is one of those. If it is, Friday and Saturday as work days makes sense, and that frees up the next few days a little. If it's Saturday and Sunday... Werner is Damn Dedicated, is all I've got.

I'm also not sure how the second Monday and Tuesday fill out. There's the man-trap demo, the motion detector demo, and getting Werner a date to cram in there, and I'm not sure how all of that splits up.

Anyway: Second Wednesday is the re-sneak fun, and getting back to haggle with Mr. Abbott ("You know what I can't believe? I can't believe tomorrow's Thursday!")

(And I realized, after I stopped the film, I wrote all this down longhand in the ONLY small black notebook I have. Yes, thank you, Carl. XD)
ETA: For completeness' sake, and so I have a link, scene breakdown with Suzi in.
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