(no subject)

Jan 09, 2007 00:25

True, he probably shouldn't have left the notebook sitting around where Mother could find it. And leaving it open to what he's already thinking of as Suzi's page - 'tentacles?' circled in the middle, and something about Chernobyl crossed out to one side - was probably asking for trouble. But still, Carl usually expects the things on his desk to stay put, and not get picked up and gaped at by Mother while his back's turned.

"Give me thaaat!" He snatches the notebook back with relative ease, but then again, that's because Mother's still busy gaping. That's not usually a good sign.


Well, shit. "Don't panic. It's just for something Suzi asked me to help her with, we're not plotting against you or anything--"

"How do you know that? Sure, she's a nice girl, but she could have anything in mind here."

"Do us all a favor and don't go on like that in Whistler's earshot, all right?" Carl notices the printer's running low on paper; if he doesn't fix that while he's thinking about it, odds are it'll sit until it's out, so he heads for the supply closet.

"Look, I'm just trying to look out for you guys."

"And I'm starting to think there's such a thing as too much paranoia." Just before Carl reaches the closet door, he sighs. Times like these, he can understand Crease's problem with the guy.
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