Oh, sod that for a bag of chips!

Jun 01, 2007 15:20

I just keep using my proper England English vocabulary lessons, don't I?

I swore up and down I'd write an entry the last day of school, but I just couldn't. SO here's the next best thing: 2nd day of summer.

The last day was... wow. It will definitly go down in memory. There was much taking of pictures, hugs, and yearbook signings. A sense of tense anticipation permeated the whole school. We were all dying for that final bell, and yet, that last ding, the last bleeping of the PA system to announce the final bits of school news of the 2006/2007 year, they were both loved and loathed. We wanted out, but for some, it meant never coming back.

Our crue has changed drastically. Command has passed down from Flame to Dani, and Dani'll be great, but Alicia was one of a kind. Jillian's moved to the School of Advanced Studies, so she won't be joining us again next year, Shalimar's been kicked out, and Charlie, too, has moved on to bigger and better hellholes.

So there was that final bit of wrestling in which I had my foot stolen and my anatomy redesigned, one last dash of soberly drunken madness down the T building, and Michelle, Jillian, Jordan, Dani and I were all shouting about, "it fucking being over!"

In retrospect, this year has really been quite something. If I had to pinpoint the year in which I did the most, "growing up," so to speak, it would have to be this one. I'm going to miss it, but I've come a long way. Not to say that the naive little junior that stumbled and fumbled her way down RMEC in August is gone, but, I'd like to say the commun sense is a bit more commun than it was then. I've learned, gasp, how to be happy, and I've learned that that isn't anything anyone else can do for you but yourself. However, I'm not good at self-analytical bologna via the journal, so...as I was saying before I rudely interupted myself.

More pictures, then a few people went totally insane and wasted bottles of sprite by squirting them into the mob. All in all, it must have been an administrator's worst nightmare. We speculated that Mr. Zawyer probably hung himself, and on the reopening of school, the main office will in turn be a janitor's worst nightmare.

Summer started out great. Hours of skyping with a few interesting people, tripping over inanimate objects that love to make me almost fall, and lots of hyperness. There's not much been done lately. I like being lazy. To hang in that moment of perfect calm between wakefulness and dozing, knowing you can linger in that warm cacoon of sleep without fearing the blare of an alarm clock...to get up at one's leasure and know that the word homework need not be uttered once...it is heaven.

There's been reading, phoning, chatting, tidying up, talking to mom... Lovely. The only blahness is the constant rain. I usually wouldn't mind it, in fact, I love the rain if I'm home, but the downpour of dihydrogen-oxide has caused the cancelation of tonight's plans. So. Meh. Ah well, there is Flame's birthday tomorrow, and I will see Pirates of the Caribbean. Whoooo!

Other than that, there's not much to tell, really. There have been countless conversations about Micronesian fruit Bats with the Starbucks fairy, Trev and mom laughing at me for the undignified squealing noises I make when tickled, and this huge discussion about awesome smells, like newspapar, sharpies, and new money.

I have a quiz,

Your Power Element is Fire

Your power color: red

Your energy: hot

Your season: spring

Like a fire, you are full of power and light.
A born leader, you easily draw people toward you.
You are full of courage and usually up for anything dangerous.
You have a huge ego and love to be the center of attention.
Your Power Element?

And.. after this uncharacteristically long entry, I am off...

Cinq jours!

Je vous-aime.
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