She had been so caught up in the planning, but she had at least managed to remember to tell Freddy when and where they were going to meet
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Freddy had been getting nervous from the lack of the second date. Sure, he saw Anita constantly and she always had been in a good mood but when the talk of the second date came up she said she was working it out, but fuck if he didn't get antsy and think maybe she was putting it off. He'd used a lot of self control to not sigh in relief when she finally told him the time and place.
He hated the fact dates were impossinle to dress for. It was always over dressed or underdressed, and he'd figured he'd just compromise because there was no way he was going to look like an idiot. Just a pair of clean jeans, a clean non-logoed t-shirt and he felt presentable.
"Wow, are we to candlelit dinners already?" He asked, eyebrow raised and lips quirked when he came through the door, eyeing her with a faint grin. "I feel like I forgot to bring the rose mandatory for candlelit dinnes."
"Roses aren't necessary. And the candlelight is...well okay I couldn't think of another thing to put in the middle of the table." She smiled. "And it helps with the atmosphere."
She glanced up at the Karaoke machine. "I haven't bothered to look and see what music is offered. Between you and me I'm not singing, just to get that out there. But it'll be nice to actually want to listen to the music instead of wondering why it's playing that and doing your best to ignore it."
Atmosphere, atmosphere was a good thing. It meant progress, and while he didn't want to throw his mind into the gutter yet because he knew she was taking het time, his lips did twitch and he decided that progress was very good.
""I'll take a look, maybe just a little background music, nothing too flashy and turned down so we can hear each other." Because once again, atmosphere was good. He smiled, gave her and the table and aprecative look, and moved to look at the machine, which looked a hell of a lot different then anything he was familiar with and subsequently he just pushed a few buttons and tried to look at though he knew what he was doing. "It looks great Anita, a lot nicer than me dragging you out into nowhere." He glanced over at her with a grin.
She smiled. "I liked the whole going out to nowhere, but I figured this would be different." It had actually been fun dealing with the whole atmosphere aspect of it all; she wasn't likely to admit that though.
"Something in the background would be good." She took a glance at the table to make sure it was set up like she wanted and she took her seat. "It was harder than I expected trying to deal with all of this." She smiled. It wasn't be so bad sharing the responsibility.
"Different can definitely be good," he said as he pressed some buttons, trying to find how the thing worked. He managed to find the power button easy enough, but the rest took a few moments of discomfort before he managed to find something. He wasn't sure what it was and the title said something about Champagne Supernova or some shit like that, but turned down and the lack of singing made it okay.
He grinned and walked over, and after a blitz mental decision put his hand lightly on her waist to encourage her towards the table. "It's weird ain't it? You'd think planning dates would be simple, but it's like the damn thing has it's own science or something."
Anita vaguely recognized the song. She didn't listen to the radio often, but it was one of those that had been picked up by just about everywhere. That is if she remembered correctly.
She nodded. "Tell me about it. I have a confession to make." She tried to look contrite but when that didn't work she ended up smirking. "I had a little help. Mostly with the cooking. I do take credit for most of it."
Freddy was sure to look appropriately scandlized as he took a seat. He didn't pull her chair out for her, as he recalled she'd said it made her feel oddly when guys did that kinda shit and despite popular opinion, men did listen.
Just not very much.
"I feel so cheated," he said, sounding dazed even as the crooked grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I'm not sure if I can even enjoy this meal now," he bit his thumb nail and looked in another direction as though trying to make a terribly conflicted decision.
"Would it help if I said that it was my idea to use the Hub?" She smirked slightly. "The whole atmosphere is my doing, and of course I did most of the cooking."
"I'm afraid I've made quite a bit so if you don't eat it I'll have to figure out something." She shook her head somewhat sadly not able to look at him or she might give things away. She couldn't believe that she might actually be flirting. It felt strange, but nice somehow.
"You could start breeding crabs and use it as feed," he offered, eyebrows going up as if in honest offering. "You could have a crab garden, breed them, raise them, boil them in hot water in the kitchen. Beats chasing the damn things on the beach." Or getting chased, Freddy had experianced a rather foul tempered custracian one day, damn thing had nearly scuttled up his pant leg as if it had a blood grudge against the human anotomy.
"Though, I suppose if I really tried I could will myself to eat the deception>" he stroked his chin thoughtfully, watching her from the corner of his eye.
She grinned. "Crabs? I suppose, though I don't think I would have more patience than anyone else so that's out I'm afraid." Though the people in the kitchen would probably not mind the help in chasing down the creatures.
"I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself...if it really is such a problem maybe you shouldn't it eat, but letting it go to waste would be such a shame." She couldn't look at him because she knew her smile would give everything away.
"See, now all the future crabs you might have cared for, nurtured and boiled alive have hurt feelings." He shook his head disappointedly, more than a little glad that he had his faulty but reasonably effective undercover skills to warp and use for such purposes. He had a feeling Holdaway would just up and smack him right now.
"Oh, but I can't let anything go to waste." He eyed the food thoughtfully. "My mother always told me to eat what I could cuz somewhere in Korea some kid was starvking. Then again, when she said that I had to keep myself from suggesting we just send the food to that kid."
"I think, on behalf of the crabs, that they are very glad they won't be nurtured to be boiled alive, as I'm reasonably sure that they want to avoid said boiling. Though they could be masochists and really do we want to go down that road?" She smirked having to glance down at the table to keep from laughing.
"What do you think she would have said if you suggested it? I'll bet some kid somewhere has before." It was too logical not to have come up somehow really.
"Masochistic crabs? Yeah, I think we don't wanna delve into that discussion, it could take a really weird turn." Not that what they were already discussing wasn't already a bit weoird, but it was flirtying, shit rarely made much sense when it had to do with flirting.
"Probably smacked me for giving her lip or something. I tried to not talk back too much, but sometimes parents leave shit wide open for a smartass response, y'know? I bet some kid has responded, and if he did, he's my fuckin' hero."
"It would certainly be something, but dinner conversation? Yeah, I don't think so." She grinned not admitting that certain words brought up a whole mess of thoughts she didn't want to deal with anyway, but maybe she was just tired of trying not to think about all of that.
"But you have to admit the smack would have been worth it." She hadn't thought about family much here, and really it still wasn't a big deal, but it didn't feel quite so weird as it probably once would have.
"It'd have been so worth it, just the satisfaction of having said it would be enough." He agreed, picking up his fork and absently polishing it between the pads his thumb and finger as he tried to resiste the urge to give it up and just grin at her.
"I did talk back oncebeing a smartass, and before I even knew I was talking I'd said I'd rather be a smartass then a dumbass. He laughed so damn hard he didn't even cuff me for talking back."
She seemed to finally be reminded of the food in front of her and took a few bites as the music changed. It wasn't a bad song and so she focused her attention back on the conversation.
"Exactly." She grinned. "Though I had a lot of friends back home who would have been a bit happier if I didn't say quite as much." She didn't purposefully make things hard on people, it was just a talent. "Definitely rather be a smartass. It has a certain mystique." She smirked glancing back down at the table.
He hated the fact dates were impossinle to dress for. It was always over dressed or underdressed, and he'd figured he'd just compromise because there was no way he was going to look like an idiot. Just a pair of clean jeans, a clean non-logoed t-shirt and he felt presentable.
"Wow, are we to candlelit dinners already?" He asked, eyebrow raised and lips quirked when he came through the door, eyeing her with a faint grin. "I feel like I forgot to bring the rose mandatory for candlelit dinnes."
She glanced up at the Karaoke machine. "I haven't bothered to look and see what music is offered. Between you and me I'm not singing, just to get that out there. But it'll be nice to actually want to listen to the music instead of wondering why it's playing that and doing your best to ignore it."
""I'll take a look, maybe just a little background music, nothing too flashy and turned down so we can hear each other." Because once again, atmosphere was good. He smiled, gave her and the table and aprecative look, and moved to look at the machine, which looked a hell of a lot different then anything he was familiar with and subsequently he just pushed a few buttons and tried to look at though he knew what he was doing. "It looks great Anita, a lot nicer than me dragging you out into nowhere." He glanced over at her with a grin.
"Something in the background would be good." She took a glance at the table to make sure it was set up like she wanted and she took her seat. "It was harder than I expected trying to deal with all of this." She smiled. It wasn't be so bad sharing the responsibility.
He grinned and walked over, and after a blitz mental decision put his hand lightly on her waist to encourage her towards the table. "It's weird ain't it? You'd think planning dates would be simple, but it's like the damn thing has it's own science or something."
She nodded. "Tell me about it. I have a confession to make." She tried to look contrite but when that didn't work she ended up smirking. "I had a little help. Mostly with the cooking. I do take credit for most of it."
Just not very much.
"I feel so cheated," he said, sounding dazed even as the crooked grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I'm not sure if I can even enjoy this meal now," he bit his thumb nail and looked in another direction as though trying to make a terribly conflicted decision.
"I'm afraid I've made quite a bit so if you don't eat it I'll have to figure out something." She shook her head somewhat sadly not able to look at him or she might give things away. She couldn't believe that she might actually be flirting. It felt strange, but nice somehow.
"Though, I suppose if I really tried I could will myself to eat the deception>" he stroked his chin thoughtfully, watching her from the corner of his eye.
"I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself...if it really is such a problem maybe you shouldn't it eat, but letting it go to waste would be such a shame." She couldn't look at him because she knew her smile would give everything away.
"Oh, but I can't let anything go to waste." He eyed the food thoughtfully. "My mother always told me to eat what I could cuz somewhere in Korea some kid was starvking. Then again, when she said that I had to keep myself from suggesting we just send the food to that kid."
"What do you think she would have said if you suggested it? I'll bet some kid somewhere has before." It was too logical not to have come up somehow really.
"Probably smacked me for giving her lip or something. I tried to not talk back too much, but sometimes parents leave shit wide open for a smartass response, y'know? I bet some kid has responded, and if he did, he's my fuckin' hero."
"But you have to admit the smack would have been worth it." She hadn't thought about family much here, and really it still wasn't a big deal, but it didn't feel quite so weird as it probably once would have.
"I did talk back oncebeing a smartass, and before I even knew I was talking I'd said I'd rather be a smartass then a dumbass. He laughed so damn hard he didn't even cuff me for talking back."
"Exactly." She grinned. "Though I had a lot of friends back home who would have been a bit happier if I didn't say quite as much." She didn't purposefully make things hard on people, it was just a talent. "Definitely rather be a smartass. It has a certain mystique." She smirked glancing back down at the table.
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