I should maybe get a P4 icon.

Jun 25, 2009 23:42

+ Just finished Nanako's dungeon. Her theme was so soothing to listen to; hard to believe I was running around swinging at Shadows in there. The boss there was... surprisingly easy. Honestly, compared to Void Quest, all bosses seem pretty easy; not that Mitsuo's shadow was hard, it was just a really grueling battle with his pixellated warrior thing.

+ Stupidest death (ie, I have the worst luck ever) -
- Shadow's flailing arms caught MC in the side and pulled me into an Enemy Advantage battle.
- Four enemies started casting repeated Hamaon on MC. Every single one of them targeted MC.
- MC had Lilith (weakness to Light spells) equipped.
- HP drops to 1. Enemy gets 1 more.
- Yousuke shoves MC aside and takes hit.
- Yukiko shoves MC aside and takes hit.
- Teddie shoves MC aside and takes hit.
- Finally, with the whole party near death, last enemy casts Hamaon on MC. Again.
- MC dies.
- Cue clutching of head and swearing.

+ Naoto seriously collapses easily. But I keep using her, for her Megidolan and - this is very shallow - because I love, love the way she fires her gun as a physical attack. It makes this awesome firing noise and I... don't even know why I like it so much. I just do. Her persona is small and adorable and it flits - too cute to pass up, too. (There may also be the fact that her name is "Naoto" and she's a detective. What.) Also, she keeps coming up to MC during lunch everyday now. Is this the game's way of saying HURRY UP AND MAX YOUR SLINK WITH HER, FOOL ...?

+ I'm just one rank to maxing out Rise, Kanji, Sayoko, and about two or three more for Eri, Yumi and Naoto. The more I hang out with Kanji, the more I love him. Oh Kanji, why such a sweetheart. Fox is now up till six. Speaking of, I've learnt never to allow outstanding requests for the Hermit link before entering the TV World, because then the damn fox charges me nearly twice the amount of money I actually own. orz

+ Unrelated to the game! I haven't played P3, but I do know the premise (Evokers to summon Persona, midnight hour, etc), and I thought this P3/4 crossover was really well done. Worth a read, for sure!

+ You have no idea how much time I've wasted reading some of the stuff on the kink meme. It's. It's amazing. (Also embarrassing. B-But they're good! So good!) I only wish JE kink memes had such AWESOME going. Not to mention people who actually keep track of the meme and write down new updates every day. Crazy. *__*

+ Someone took Arashi's Truth and used it on a Kuroshitsuji opening. The result: pure awesome. If you like Arashi or Kuroshitsuji or better yet, both, watch the video. It's very, very well done.


+ Glee is... good. I've only seen the pilot, but I like it. (*shakes fist @ okenakab)

+ Note to self: open up time for RP next week.

English lesson tomorrow~ And... more fretting over tickets a;lksdf. Don't you want our money, Johnnyyy?

persona 4, arashi, geek i am, game, reccomendation, reviews

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