Tama-chan is crazy. XD I really like the guests this round, because they suffered so much! Like having a giant snake wrap around them, having this huge wrestler knee-slam into their backs, then the dice thing... so they're modest, humble people. Who like smelly food. And of course, Aiba's the one presenting that. XD
Jun asdf;lkj his flexibility. Not only is he bendy, but he can actually push himself back up, that's some mad skillz right there. (Can we expect lovely lovely porn with this? *___*) Just before Aiba does his miracle push, Nino complains that he looks like he doesn't have the sense for it too. *snrk*
I thought Ohno wouldn't like it since he hated the beans, but, naturally, his special tongue wins again. T^Tb ... would you believe I didn't even notice the rainbow? I think that sort of thing is so natural now it just goes right by. *l-lol*
DID YOU HEAR? Arashi on Tokyo Friends Park II!! That's going to be the most awesome thing ever, and it's a 2 hour special. Ohno and Aiba are the only ones I haven't seen on this show, and with Aiba's miracle powers, they may just win cars. *______*
I love it when guests just jump right into the crazy and really have fun with it, like even if people are being horrible and making them smell awful things, they're still having a blast. And then they were put in a room with Arashi and it's magic. <3
Can we expect lovely lovely porn with this? *___*
*cries* Don't tempt me! ;__; He's always had amazing balance, but that's sort of a new level of bendy skillz right there. (What I wouldn't give for someone to put all of Arashi on balance balls again. XD) Oh, oh! And while I'm usually more of a quiet Ohmiya fan, when Ohno put his arm around Nino's waist to lead him away, I think I just about exploded. You almost never see Ohno initiate that kind of touching. *__*
as;dlfkjaslkdjslkj SERIOUSLY? IT IS LIKE JAPAN LOVES ME AND WANTS ME TO BE HAPPY. Arashi on Friends Park II is right up there on my dream list of things I wanted to happen. Now, if Nino and Jun (or Jun and Ryo or, hell, even Jun and Jin) would just have a drama together, I could be truly happy. (asdl;fkjasl;kj when will they be on, has it been announced? *ridiculously excited*)
Guests who go with the Arashi flow are always the best. T^Tb I guess the best part of Shukudaikun is that it doesn't depend entirely on the guest or the food to serve, but on the boys themselves and the nutty activities the staff come up with. Which is why I'm so glad GRA now has the question-answer format, because it ensures that the show focuses on Arashi as it presents educational information, as opposed to just spewing out learning points with the boys on the side. (Like Ohno's retarded but somehow kind of deep psychological questions asl;ff l-lord that boy.)
DO IT, NEESAN, DO IT. Make it an Ohno/Jun/Aiba even, because that's something I haven't seen very much at all. Throw in a balance ball too somewhere. *WIDE EYES*
alsff;; that bit threw me into mad Ohmiya glee too. It's always Nino doing all the touching and tugging, so to see Ohno actually lead Nino off like that, that was, that was just, too much. *happy tears*
Confirmed in TV magazines, reported by Jen@VOX (I love this lady, she's chock full of accurate Arashi reports T^T)
31st March (6:55pm - 8:54pm)
Sekiguchi Hiroshi's Tokyo Friend Park 2
Come on Arashi! Gold Coin Arashi! Record Arashi! An All Win Challenge SP (grandslam)!
Jun and Jin in a drama together, whoa. Ratings will shoot through the roof. Any of those combinations in a suspense, thriller drama would be hot. *____*
Jun asdf;lkj his flexibility. Not only is he bendy, but he can actually push himself back up, that's some mad skillz right there. (Can we expect lovely lovely porn with this? *___*) Just before Aiba does his miracle push, Nino complains that he looks like he doesn't have the sense for it too. *snrk*
I thought Ohno wouldn't like it since he hated the beans, but, naturally, his special tongue wins again. T^Tb ... would you believe I didn't even notice the rainbow? I think that sort of thing is so natural now it just goes right by. *l-lol*
DID YOU HEAR? Arashi on Tokyo Friends Park II!! That's going to be the most awesome thing ever, and it's a 2 hour special. Ohno and Aiba are the only ones I haven't seen on this show, and with Aiba's miracle powers, they may just win cars. *______*
Can we expect lovely lovely porn with this? *___*
*cries* Don't tempt me! ;__; He's always had amazing balance, but that's sort of a new level of bendy skillz right there. (What I wouldn't give for someone to put all of Arashi on balance balls again. XD) Oh, oh! And while I'm usually more of a quiet Ohmiya fan, when Ohno put his arm around Nino's waist to lead him away, I think I just about exploded. You almost never see Ohno initiate that kind of touching. *__*
as;dlfkjaslkdjslkj SERIOUSLY? IT IS LIKE JAPAN LOVES ME AND WANTS ME TO BE HAPPY. Arashi on Friends Park II is right up there on my dream list of things I wanted to happen. Now, if Nino and Jun (or Jun and Ryo or, hell, even Jun and Jin) would just have a drama together, I could be truly happy. (asdl;fkjasl;kj when will they be on, has it been announced? *ridiculously excited*)
DO IT, NEESAN, DO IT. Make it an Ohno/Jun/Aiba even, because that's something I haven't seen very much at all. Throw in a balance ball too somewhere. *WIDE EYES*
alsff;; that bit threw me into mad Ohmiya glee too. It's always Nino doing all the touching and tugging, so to see Ohno actually lead Nino off like that, that was, that was just, too much. *happy tears*
Confirmed in TV magazines, reported by Jen@VOX (I love this lady, she's chock full of accurate Arashi reports T^T)
31st March (6:55pm - 8:54pm)
Sekiguchi Hiroshi's Tokyo Friend Park 2
Come on Arashi! Gold Coin Arashi! Record Arashi! An All Win Challenge SP (grandslam)!
Jun and Jin in a drama together, whoa. Ratings will shoot through the roof. Any of those combinations in a suspense, thriller drama would be hot. *____*
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