Russian in Hangzhou

Sep 24, 2016 11:08

My Russian ex-girlfriend finally arrived in Hangzhou yesterday. She had told me she would be here on September 5th. Unsurprisingly that did not happy, but legit she is finally in China now. I had told her she had up until July 31st to get here. She got here on September 23rd.

She texted me yesterday and I called her, speaking to her briefly. She is supposed to call me tonight, but seeing as she just got here, I imagine there is a lot she needs to do. She wants me to visit her, but I am going to Hong Kong next week.....and will see the Hong Kong girl. I have not told the Russian anything about my love life. We haven´t really even spoken for months other than her saying she was coming here. Eventually we will see each other. Either she will come to Shaoxing or I to Hangzhou. It is only 20 minutes away. I don´t know how she will react. I know she likes to play it cool, but I know her well enough to know that she thinks there is still a chance of us getting back together. I don´t really want that, but to be honest, I want to have sex. If we see each other the sexual tension is going to be serious, and I know I cannot control myself. It is stupid though I am going back to the United States in January. I belong in the opposite part of the world not in Asia. At this point I really am just counting down the days.

When I go to Hong Kong I will probably just kiss the Hong Kong girl. I doubt anything more could come of it. The distance is too much for anything serious to ever possibly develop. The Americas is where I need to be. I need to stop kissing girls with accents not my own for once.
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