Dating in China

Sep 13, 2016 10:04

Out of boredom I downloaded the Chinese version of Tinder. Unlike Tinder where even fat girls think they are a 10, and are too good for even Justin Bieber lookalikes, the Chinese women are a bit more realistic in this regard. I have gotten a lot of matches on it, but the language barrier has often been too much. I have started asking if they can speak at least basic English otherwise it would be such a catastrophe of a date I would not bother. Well to be honest I have gone on dates with two women who speak English, but both have been utterly unreliable.

The first girl I met we got along very well. I kissed her, but after that she got REALLY clingy. Calling me everyday, wanting to see me. It got to the point where I told her to relax with the text messages because it was just too much. I decided to tell her that I will not be in China forever, and told her she needed to choose whether she just wanted to stay together while I was still here or just be friends. She did not take this well at all, and called me a horrible human being who played with her feelings. I´d known her for at most two weeks, and kissed her once, so that pissed me off, and we got into an argument. I blocked her on WeChat, but she messaged me again on Whatsapp. I get the feeling I will have to block her on Whatsapp as well. Absolutely nuts.

The second girl actually was not the same person she had on her Tinder App! So when we first met, I did not even realize who she was. She was average at best so at first I was disappointed, but she had such an awesome personality, and we had such a good time that I ended up liking her a lot. The problem was that ever since our first date she has stood me up. Twice she cancelled out at the last minute, the second of which I was waiting for her like an idiot while she never showed up. Always something and I do not chase girls like that so I deleted her on WeChat. Girls who do that are really stupid because it never attracts any good guys, and to be honest with her average looks it isn´t like she was on the top of the list for guys.

This idea was so stupid I should not have done it. I was giving the Hong Kong girl her weekly Spanish lesson and I was looking at her while she struggled answering my questions. I was absolutely smitten looking at her, but ever since then we basically act like we never even kissed. I guess it cannot be helped for obvious reasons. I even drunk texted her once saying I miss her, but she never responded to it. I need to get back to the USA. Romance between countries is a fucking headache.
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