So, I forgot how to be interesting.

Jul 07, 2009 15:07

Because I've stopped writing anything about anything related to me. And I have this stupid, tubby, super hot boyfriend who makes me feel guilty that I twisted his arm to get a livejournal and then stopped being a person anymore.
Today I was at Channel 3. I helped watched a reporter interview a woman whose daughter helped Michael Jackson cast his show with dancers a little bit before he died. The lady lived all the way in Avoca, and we drove an hour out to talk to her. And was she the nicest dance-studio owning lady ever. I almost wanted to cry at how sweet she was. She'll be turning 80 soon, but she doesn't look a day over 60, which is a big accomplishment. She welcomed us into her home, which had been flooded time and time again, which I guess is to be expected if you live in a non-flattened-by-glaciers region. 
I'm starting to think I don't want to be a journalist. There's always a hint of stress with every journalist I've talked to that doesn't seem like an adrenaline rush. Journalists are afraid that the industry is dying, and that their life's passion is being slowly phased out by the way of layoffs and downsizing. And for once, I'm more excited about practicing strumming than I am about writing my article.
Also, I've found that ... being a journalist means filling time with things that are only sort of important sometimes. And as much as you can spin it to make it interesting, it's only as good as the person writing it. I don't doubt that I can make things interesting....but I feel like I'm shier at my internships than I am in day-to-day life, and I should stop. 
It makes me sad that people are not in love with journalism as they once were. They need to find ways to sustain it besides advertising and people need to learn to want to buy a newspaper or a magazine. And I hate that dumb sites like Craigslist might put them out of business. I HATE craigslist. It's so creepy! Who knows what job you could be signing up for if you find it on Craigslist? Everyone and their cousin can post stuff on that site. 
I might want to write for a magazine. I'd be able to write what and when I want to some extent and there wouldn't be the pressure to fill up time or write something shitty by tomorrow. 
I'm starting to really enjoy Summer Choir. I like the old people. I like that I can sing my part without fucking up really bad without a ton of practice. I like making faces at Jason from across the risers. I like the songs we're singing and how they're full of that ebb and flow and discord and resolution... 
Unfortunately, there are some basses who need help. Someone should stage a group practice session. 
The last season of Gilmore Girls is actually pretty good. Just different. Way different. In ways I sometimes don't want to deal with. But I like it now. It was just a matter of detaching myself from the plot and thinking about how they go through issues realistically. 
I want to hang out with my friends. But they are all abroad.

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