Happy New Year!

Jan 15, 2012 18:06

Ah, 2012. What a mysterious year. The holidays are finally over. The exotic desserts, roasts and bottles of liquor have been consumed. Friends infrequently seen have all disappeared back into their daily lives.
I worked my last six day work week and finally had time to catch up on housework today. Work is all talk of inventory and budgets and profit margins. Not sure how I'm going to squeeze a increase in sales out of a $90,000 reduction in annual purchases, but flat is still the new up. More tedious number crunching ahoy!
Looks like winter is finally arriving. Last week I was still outside after sunset in a t-shirt, but today's breeze was decidedly Alaskan. More incentive to finish knitting that wrap. I keep trying to work on it while I'm doing something else and then end up ripping it back again, which is tiresome in a pattern with so many yarn-overs.

At long last, our identical twins are assembled! I think I first posted about ordering the Roderich heads in October of 2010? Epic wait for Dollshe bodies is over.

Machaelle decided on a name change, so that's Lysander on the left - now named for his late uncle - and Kyros on the right. I'm not sure why I ever expect my face-ups to turn out well, but they do seem to be in decline from lack of practice. I was asked to use photos of real people for color and shading reference, and I just don't do well at translating that information to doll faces. At least the modifications turn out well. Funny how much the Roderich with the opened eyes looks like an Haute Hound.

Don't think I posted anything from the recent outing that Daniel took to Yerba Buena Gardens. This was a pretty fun shoot, but it was rather cold and the corporate security guards for YBCA are martinets.

I gave St. James a haircut. I think he's going to be the one I take on our road trip at the end of the month.

And I broke down and ordered a DollZone Moment. Machaelle just recently purchased a SoulDoll Souloid Iraki v1 to be alchemist Blackpool's lab assistant. Apparently Blackpool has two assistants. Minis are always non-human in our collection, so these are two creatures that Blackpool has created somehow. The Iraki builds and maintains the lab equipment, and the Moment manages the library. I don't think she's come up with a name for wee Robot Boy, but my Librarian will be named Dalkey after Dalkey Archive Press and I'm going to paint his petals like layers of an old vellum text. Don't know if it will be blatantly alchemical or something else, but it will be fun to do and I'm looking forward to making him paper and leather clothing...a dust jacket! I'm still surprised that I ordered him, but I think it's because I associated Anson and Moment more with DollChateau than DollZone. So much for vowing never to buy from DollZone!


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