May 03, 2004 19:05
i cant believe its may already
i cant believe how quickly everything went by
i cant believe things are happening to me now when they shouldve happened long ago ..... now, when im this close to leaving
i cant believe im such a wreck
whats it gonna be like not having this stupid school with its stupid lounge and its stupid people in it and all these other stupid surroundings and my other stupid friends and my stupid family? (and by stupid i dont mean stupid)
driving home today, there was an insane amount of rain pouring down. all i could see was the outline of palm trees on my left and right and lights .. red, green, yellow .. see, its all metaphorical: i cant see past miami, i dont know whether to stop, go, yield, yell, throw up, fuck im confused ..
and in reality, im just being ridiculous. i mean, flat-out over-contemplative and pms-emotional.
anyway, word to your mother, i wanted to write a whole sha-bang about "bowling for columbine." about how its such an important movie to see because even though michael moore manipulates america's faults to strongly prove his point, its forgivable because the topic is so meaningful and essential to common knowledge. basically, it opened my eyes to realizing that america, as rough and tough and 'protective' and free as it may be, it lives in fear and despondency .. lets all move to canada .. i wont go on, hopefully everyone has already or will see the film to form their own opinion and broaden their horizons.