May 11, 2006 14:00
Today, I bought two chocolate brown teacup poodles. I have now officially lost my mind.
The dogs should be wonderful, small, non-yappy, incredibly cute, calm dogs. The kids are over the moon and hubby's resigned. They were born last week, so we'll get them August 7.
But seriously, I think we're in for an interesting fall, given that puppies need attention every two hours round the clock. Good thing they'll be little fluffballs.
Each child is the owner of one of the puppies. The dogs will sleep in the kids' bedrooms and will hopefully bond to the kids. We'll all do training classes together, and life should be very entertaining. The kids have a list of about 50 possible names and we've already started talking about training, collars, where to feed them, etc. Should be fun.
In other news, PTA business occupies a huge part of my brain as I work on transitions at two schools. I can't believe how little is left of this year! How did we get to be 25 school days away from summer already?!?! AND MY BABIES ARE GROWING UP, GIVEN THAT ONE IS GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL AND ONE TO MIDDLE SCHOOL NEXT YEAR! AAAARGH!
Anyway, that's all the news that's fit to print here.
Hope y'all are doing well! :-)
PS The pic is the full-grown dad of the puppies we're getting. Isn't he darling????