WTF HOW DID I MANAGE TO GET A COLD AGAIN. XD Gahhhh so last week + this week I've been sick, I'm just getting better now although I still feel like sleeping for years at a time! *dies* And considering I have to be out of the house before 8am four mornings a week (8am = FAR TOO EARLY to Hannie, mornings don't really exist in my vocabulary, especially without coffee XD), being sick is NOT GOOD. Gawd, I feel like I have accomplished zilch this week, Saturday is gonna be my massive catch-up day for doing all my readings from uni this week. =__=;; IF I DON'T SLEEP ALL DAY, THAT IS. XD Then on Sunday I'm doing hair modelling for my friend who's an apprentice hairdresser! :D It's just styling, but then she's going to cut and dye it afterwards for me, nothing drastic, I just want layers as mine have grown out, and highlighted since the colour is getting dull-ish. I love having long(ish) hair~ ♥
I finally saw the movie Waterboys the other day, SO FUNNY, I LAUGHED SO BAD. ♥ The humour in it is just awesome, it doesn't even TRY to take itself seriously. I really want to buy it on dvd! Or go watch it again, hahaha. I watched it with a friend in the audio-visual suite on the 9th floor of the uni library, they have such a weird collection of dvds. THEY HAVE CLUELESS. WTF. So tomorrow after my lecture finishes we're gonna go watch the 2nd half of Clueless, I loveeeeeee that movie. ♥ I FEEL LIKE WATCHING OLD MOVIES.
I FINALLY FINISHED WATCHING KUROSAGI! ♥ I loved the ending, but only if there is going to be a next season. Otherwise I'm not satisfied. XD BUT PI, DID YOU NEED TO CRY 3487365736 TIMES DURING THIS SERIES AND TEAR MY HEART UP? His face is too cute and chubby to have tears on it. ;__; But honestly I was so impressed by Pi's acting in this series, his character is just so different to Akira in Nobuta (yet retaining some quirky little mannerisms, I loveddddd when Kurosaki did those XD), and especially in the last episode, those scenes where he is angry/upset/etc, I was just like O____O because he put tons of emotion into them. I can't wait to watch whatever series he does next!! *O* JINNY, DO A SERIES SO I CAN STOP BEING OBSESSED WITH PI, PLEASE. <3
I need the 3rd ep of Sapuri but my internet is so slowwwwwwwww!! 8D It doesn't go fast until next week, ughhhhhh. I'll leave it downloading overnight tonight, hopefully it'll be done in the morning~ EITA, YOU'RE HOT, BUT WHY MUST YOU PLAY A GUY I MUST HATE? Seriously, even with that whole bit at the end of ep2, I still dislike Ogiwara so much! I think because I loveeeeeeee Kame's character Yuya so much, he's so adorable~ ♥ I love how goofy and sweet he is~ I love Minami as well, Misaki's doing a wonderful job of expressing how Minami is as a person. <3 I hope there's character development in the series though, I hate static characters. *dies*
I scanned some photos of Fujii Lena from my ViVi magazines! She's my favourite model along with Suzuki Emi~ ♥ I couldn't upload them all tonight though because my net kept timing out whenever I tried to! =__=;; So I'll give to my friend Nattie tomorrow and she'll upload for me so I can post on the weekend~ For now, here's
---> I really love the parka she's wearing!! ♥ Her face is so cute in that pic~ My favourite pic of her is the one with the green jacket, that's such a lovely shot, AND I WANT THOSE BOOTS. XD
These ones are from a booklet just about Lena that came with one of last year's issues, it has her normal day for when she's shooting with ViVi and the things she would do/have with her. :D I'm soooooooo tempted to decorate my laptop like that, I really want to put those rhinestones and diamantes on it~ ♥ That black nightdress in the last pic is so cute, I want one like that but it's so difficult to find, I bought a really cute one the other day that's pink with flowers, I need to do a picspam sometime of the clothes I've bought recently, hehe~ *O*