Jun 01, 2010 03:53
Ever wish for something, got it, and then proceeded to screw it up royally?
Well that just about sums up my spring semester. After years of managing work and school and telling myself that with all the enlightenment I've gathered, if I didn't have to have a job, I would excel in school, and do all the things I wanted with my free time.
I did do a lot that I wanted to do with my free time; but the important part, you know the part about getting good grades? That I completely fucked. Instead I procrastinated in typical Andy Alvarez fashion, and even worse, let all the bad influences that come with free time grab ahold of me. Case in point, the week before Spring Break I was more worried about the itinerary of my trip than my class work, and to top it off my friend Joe decided to stay with me for his Spring Break which fell in the exact time frame that one of my best friends Eric was moving in with me. Me, Ray, Eric, and Joe under one house for a week. How am I not supposed to give in to that?
But that's the problem, lately I've given in too much to impulse. I really need to stop. I don't know how I can practice it now save for not ordering soda with my meals and choosing to stay in over going out. I apparently need to relearn to say no to certain things.
That's the problem with being a film major, you think you have time because you don't get homework, the same way other students have it, and you think you can put it off. But the work of a film student isn't like flipping a lightswitch of studying, memorizing, and then interpreting. You have to have an idea and be able to discuss it intelligently, you need to know your story down to what is the favorite color of best friend #3. And sometimes the ideas don't come when you want them. Sometimes they come when you're riding your car around the city, or when you're laying in bed analyzing what you did that day. But I can assure you they don't when you where your body down to exhaustion after staying up till 4 am with your four roommates having a drink somewhere. It can sometimes, but you won't get all your details that way.
I needed to make time for those ideas and didn't. As a result I was doing it when I was supposed to be doing the typical student routine (studying, memorizing, and interpreting) for other classes. All the time to focus on my grades and I didn't even try.
I'm annoyed, disappointed, and what sucks is I doubt, I'll have this opportunity again. I'm probably going to be working around the time fall semester starts. Although it will probably be part time.
I thought I was past having to make a mistake to know better. It seems though I still have lot of growing up to do.