Apr 25, 2008 19:52
It's Friday afternoon, the sun's beginning to set, and with that the past work week. My legs and thighs are sore from exercise, my body drowsy after sitting in on a fifty-seven year old Bette Davis movie, that I wasn't allowed to fully fall asleep on.
I have a five page paper due in two weeks, and a very important, but not necessarily difficult test coming up this week. I say important but not difficult, because, depending on how I do on it, I won't have to do my final in that class. Which in the case where I would have to take the final, would be the difficult test. I should be practicing on Excel, I only have a general comprehension of it, but with no other immiediate projects coming up and many other free study days between now and Wednesday, the procrastinator in me is telling me to save it for another day. The only thing troubling about the five page paper is the length of it, the topic requires minimal research and is mainly an opinion piece, about how we can use what we've learned in our major. Writing, and bullshitting has never been a problem for me, and the fact that my teacher, and I quote "is simply going to glaze through" the paper, and from that either assign us a 100, 50 or 0. Makes the task, all the less daunting.
The semester is winding down to an end and with that the 2007-2008 school year, and I speak solely for myself on this, but I find it amazing how fast the past year flew by. A year ago, next week Spider-Man 3 came out in theatres, and for those of you who remember that time in my life, prior and after, will recall how things started to change for me at that point. From summer to my relationship, to my first Comic-Con/Trip, all the way to fall semester and out. It's hard to remark on everything that has happened and how much things have changed, and not just for me, for everyone. A lot happened in the last year, including a lot of my friends turning of age, one friend geting married, one friend becoming more than, my sister and her MMA career took off, and getting a clearer picture on my goals/desires out of life, just to name a few. Now with the school year ending, I look at this one with with curiosity and wonder. Can it get any better? Will it get worse? Something for you to note about my life the past years, my odd numbered years starting with '01 have normally been positive and enjoyable, but have always been preceded by an equally negative even year. Not that I really believe in a literal version of the word coincidence or luck or before you disregard me, passing off my observation, let me assure you that if I were to draw out the goods and bads drawn from a particular year, which I won't. It will support my conclusion, my only hope is that this misfortune doesn't continue on this year, as the fall will only be that much farther.
Random Thoughts
After five days of continuous, non-stop, repeated listening, Brand New's: Deja Entendre is finally starting to rub off on me, once I get the track listing I'll elaborate more.
Jury's still out on American Gangster and Accelerate though.
I just got Mos Def's The New Danger, and I can't wait to give it a spin.
Harold and Kumar comes out tonight, looking forward to it. Any movie with NPH on a unicorn must have something going on for it right?
Recovering from working out takes much longer, when you don't get the sleep to meet the demand.
And with that I bid you farewell, have a good weekend.