Realizing You're Not a Raider

Aug 08, 2006 08:48

In the history of my playing WoW, I used to always say that it would be awesome to be in a raiding guild and to run those instances, and to get the phat lewtz. It was also the case that I probably would never see that content, primarily because I was a hunter, but also because I couldn't dedicate that kind of time, and certainly not within those hours.

This time around, I said I was going to do it. Eventually, I would find the time to raid, and I would do it. I rolled a priest this time - my ability to get into a raiding guild is almost guaranteed through that alone. Regardless of how or when, my plan was to raid this time around and get my sets.

This... has changed somewhat.

Yesterday I was invited to raid with another guild in Zul'Gurub. I had the time, and I sure wanted to give it a shot, so I went for it. I made sure to warn them that I had no experience in there and little to no experience doing even 10 man raids, especially as a priest. They told me it would take about two hours.

To make a long and tedious story short, I am very excited as we are riding to ZG. When we get there, everybody buffs (I forgot to buy Sacred Candles XO ) and we start. It was interesting. I got on vent and it seemed easy enough. Indeed, I hardly had to do any healing at all.
We got to the panther boss, our one and only druid dced, we attempted the boss 3 times and wiped every time, and everybody quit. One guy had said he had to leave early, and I think he was gkicked for leaving. Very, very odd.
Overall, I spent several hours with them, hardly playing, mostly listening to the raid leader discuss strategy on vent.

to be finished later
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