Oct 08, 2009 11:12
I live in Sacramento. Over the past year or two, radio stations have really gone downhill.
It started with 107.9 when they had that contest where some lady died from drinking too much water. Dumb contest, yeah...but I would never have thought a person could DIE from drinking too much water! And apparently neither did they. So they fired the DJ's, toned down the morning show to a step above completely boring, aimed it toward nitwits (read: teenagers, about 13-14 yrs old) and called it a day. I seriously can only stand about 10 mins of the insipid chatter that these DJ's THINK is humorous (which is thankfully about how long my daughter is int he car for every morning). This morning for instance, the had their "confessions" segment, where they disguise the person's voice and no names are given and they can call in and 'confess' something that's been nagging at them for awhile, years maybe!
Today's was: Some guy called in...He said when he was 7 yrs old he wrote a letter to santa and asked for a specific toy. Well Xmas came and went, and no toy. So the next year, santa was making the rounds and when it was his turn to sit on santa's lap, he peed on him. Turns out it was his own father dressed up that year. I don't know about you, but maybe I'm lacking the adolescent humor required in finding this funny.. I simply find it annoying. I was listening to this hoping the confessions were going to be something good, juicy even! But no.
Then this year, KWOD 106.5 went off the air, well KWOD as we knew it, anyway. They are now a 90's station "All 90's ALL the time" blech. Sure there was some good music, but compared to the 80's, ehh I could take it or leave it. I miss KWOD. I miss Shawn and Jeff in the morning, then when they changed to Adam Corolla, I was sad, but then I came around and now I miss that too. *sigh* No more witty banter of funny DJ's you felt you KNEW. No more good songs that were pretty much right in the middle of the heavy stuff they played on 98 Rock and the watered down modern rock of 100.5 the Zone. Plus you could always count on them to play some good ole' Cure or Depeche Mode.
Some stations play more music, less talk and that's cool, but their selections in music are just so-so. I find myself listening to Jack FM more and more, which I like to refer to as the "Rock Band" station.. since every song I hear EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT is pretty much played on Jack FM AT LEAST once a day. ok..that's all for now.