Post-Yom Kippur

Sep 21, 2010 00:33

I went up to Schaumburg for Yom Kippur this past weekend. I've attended Or Chadash services ever since I moved to Peoria, as I far prefer the atmosphere among Or Chadash than other local temples. Plus, it gives me reason to flee Peoria as Carl threatens to cook a roast while I'm fasting.

The fasting was harder than I remember, but I've also been eating more while doing weight training, so during the break the conversation kept going back to food ... and food ... and food. :: laugh ::

I kept mishearing everyone. At the end of services Reuben said, "Finally, I can get some lox and herring!" ... I heard him say, "Finally, I can get some lox and heroin!", so my confused face was, I'm sure, priceless to him. Before we left temple, someone said, "A couple of people left their maxzors in the sanctuary; are they yours?" What did I hear? "A couple of people left their boxers in the sanctuary; are they yours?" Yeah, time for that hearing checkup ...

Our friend Lane was having a birthday party which we attended right after services -- and I mean RIGHT after. So of course I'm in a suit jacket and a vest while everyone else is at a bar in t-shirts and jeans. Did I stick out? Just a tad...

reuben, יו כיפור, or chadash, אור חדש, yom kippur, יהודי

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