Question-Answer #02

Mar 03, 2010 12:33

gorkabear asks ...

Maybe an easy one, but I'm puzzled about your interest in Hebrew. Ok, and also why do you have such a "non-American" name.

Great questions!

For the first part: There's multiple reasons for my interest in Hebrew. For starters, I'm a linguaphile, so languages are going to have an interest for me period -- there's a sick "I must decode this" obsession on my part. But I'm also Jewish, but for many years -- when I should have been learning Hebrew for a bar mitzvah and up until college -- it wasn't a part of my life at all, and I kind of regret that, and I suppose learning Hebrew is an attempt to "make up" for that.

As for the name -- in English I'm Roger, and my dad was also Roger, and this caused considerable confusion, especially once he passed away. Since then -- in part because of my father and in part because of my being a bit more serious with my own faith -- I switched back to the Hebrew name that was initially used to differentiate my father and I. Of course, now I'm remembering WHY I stopped using "Regev" in the first place. Despite being just five letters, it gets routinely butchered and oh the looks it gives me. But it's the name my mother gave me, and finally I have comfort and not shame using it.

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name, march, questions, יהודי, jewish

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