Still awake

Dec 18, 2009 02:09

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It's past 2 in the morning, and I'm awake. I fell asleep earlier tonight, and Carl woke me up before he left for work to make sure I put my "eye lube" in.

I'll try for sleep again soon. Trying to bore myself online isn't working, as I keep finding things that I find interesting. Perhaps they're not actually interesting, but in my current state they just SEEM that way. I did manage to stumble across the above, which always used to put me in a holiday mood back when I was a kid and it came on one of my LOADSTAR disks (did anyone else used to subscribe to this??).

Of course it also reminds me of that one year when we all had the stomach flu and were vomiting into our own individual buckets while exchanging gifts which ... yeah, isn't exactly a Norman Rockwell painting holiday, but what, I ask, is?

c64, holiday, illness, loadstar, memories

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