[Memories, Kinda] Making Movies

Oct 30, 2009 10:06

After seeing all sorts of gay short films lately, I turned to Carl one night and said, "We should make our own short film?"
"Really now. So, what would it be about?"
"..." Of course I had no answer.
"Well you know what kind of movie _I'd_ make."
"No Carl, we're NOT making porn."

I've always wanted to put together a little film for years, though most of my ideas were things that I've wanted to have in an animated feature rather than live action (and since I have little to no experience in animation, that's not happening anytime soon!). But the fascination is there, and has been since I was a little kid dreaming of making my own animated films.

The closest I'd ever gotten to making movies was about six years ago. My best friend introduced me to another man who was making a film and needed extras. I agreed and got excited by the thought, and I showed up on "the set" (a closed office), did my lines, and watched as we filmed other office scenes.

And it seemed strange to me, that we were going through these very very quickly. I finally inquired as to our hastiness, and finally the filmmaker admitted, "Yeah, we sorta broke in here."
"SORT OF? How do you SORT of break in?!?"
"Look, just grab this bag, and follow me as we go out the back, and for the love of God, BE QUIET."

Wow, I could have been arrested for that. And really, for what?? For ten minutes in what turned out to be a REALLY TERRIBLE movie?? I mean, really, it made no sense at all AND, to top it off, was a sequel to a movie I didn't even know existed!! It was ... an experience, certainly.

So I'm curious: say you're asked to make a short film of your own choosing, and resources aren't a problem (within reason!). What do you do? What genre? What plot?

poll, memories, movies

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