So tonight Carl and I went with
slavetoreznor and her beau Tim to our fave Indian restaurant. The food itself was fab but clearly the waiter had no clue what he was doing and was totally inept in his job, meaning the waitress we normally see had to do EVERYTHING, and you can tell she was getting pissed.
I wanted to show Jamie my new kippa -- which I adore, BTW -- and ended up leaving it on after we left, meaning I was walking through Best Buy with my kippa on.
This is a good time to mention that at LEAST two of the men who were working there? Yeah, I'd've so fucked them. Hot hot hot men. And they weren't in Geek Squad amazingly enough, which is where the hotties usually have been in my experience. One guy had a nice long Fu Man Chu and I complimented him, and his response? "Thanks; it gets a lot of mileage." I'd like to make the odometer tick higher, fella. :: laugh ::
Anyways, after Carl's done checking out (who knew they even MADE ABBA Singstar??), the other hottie is coming in (from smoking? Helping a customer get something in his car? I dunno), and he comes up to me and says, "... man I have to ask: where do you get a flannel kippa?"
I explained it was from Israel and we had a friendly little chat ... and he seemed to be flirting with me.
Are kippot man magnets??? Have I met a kippaphile?