The Gym, Again.

Mar 25, 2008 23:34

Sorry I've been so quiet. I've recently joined a gym by my work.

Yes, I'm back at the gym again. May this actually STICK this time. I'm currently planning on going four times a week -- off on weekends -- and right now I'm sore as hell, having used muscles that I've not used in a good long while. Hell, maybe muscles I've not used ever. :: laugh :: It was, however, humiliating. I lost a good deal of strength that I had the LAST time I was at the gym (back last year, before my sister passed), so I'm doing some pathetic weights, and I go right after work, right when the tanks are lifting. Seriously, I couild use a workout body, seriously. :: laugh ::

Oh, and a rubbown. I could use that too.

Tomorrow is my day off from the gym, and then I'm going Thursday and Friday. Musclecubdom, here I come! Well, eventually. One mountain at a time, you know.

Oh, BTW, there's a couple of HOT musclebears (well, men who look the part at least) that go there. Today there was a hot towering furry older man with a HUGE chest on the treadmill. Fucking distracting eye candy. :: laugh ::


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