What did I do with MY Christmas? Really, not a whole helluva lot. I vegged for the first time in a while, and outside of walking Mika, trying to get the ink out of my living room carpet, and grocery shopping, I did diddly squat.
I DID revisit one of my hobbies while I was unemployed, trying to hunt down numbers stations. Through hunting (and stumbling across
this page full of clips), I found out the KGB still exists. I, for whatever reason, thought the KGB went down with the Soviet Union, but apparently I'm wrong, and numbers stations in Russian make a comeback. But, why would the KGB broadcast in either German (ODD German) or Spanish? Am I missing something?
So yeah, running into various mechanized number readings on these stations was rather unsettling. Seriously, don't do this shit before bed; it just makes you paranoid.
What's even creepier? My neighbour's Christmas balcony. Let me explain: our apartment complex has a contest that whoever has the balcony or garden box that's best decorated gets a free month of rent. So, a guy in my building went ALL OUT. Music, lights, SPOTLIGHTING ... I cringe to see his Ameren bill. But then comes the lifesize Santa Claus that I've kindly dubbed ZOMBIE SANTA. I came home from work last week, and ZOMBIE SANTA was "dancing" along mechanically. Dude, you could hear the gears as he tried to do a jig (or have a seizure -- I'm not sure which), before his jaw fell open and he said "HO HO HO!!"
Apprently during this weekend's storms ZOMBIE SANTA fell over, so the owner decided he'd be safer inside, where he's now PEERING THROUGH THE VENETIAN BLINDS.
ZOMBIE SANTA probably works for the KGB and is their German numbers station operator. :: laugh ::